Cogwheel Press Launches New Website,

Online book publisher CogWheel Press launches a website to promote the books it has published. sells not only trade paperback but online books abailable in many downloadable formats.

Ketchikan, AK, April 27, 2009 --( CogWheel Press, a small publishing company in Southeast Alaska has launched a website to promote it's newest releases. The website, sells it's books not only in trade paperback but also in various downloadable formats. CogWheel Press' goal to be ecologicaly minded uses mulitple online book forms such as .pdf, Kindle and Sony for all of their titles.

In addition to their own titles Newonlinebooks sells both the Kindle Reader and the Sony Reader. Both readers are available for purchase through the website. Pulisher and author John McCormick talks about the Kindle reader. "At $350 dollars the Kindle Reader is a bit pricey but will pay for it's self if you read more than two to three books a month. It is the technology that sets it apart from the other reader sin that books are downloaded wirelessly directly to the Kindle. The I-pod touch and the Iphone both have applications that allow you to connect to Amazon and down load the Kindle version of books. CogWheel press has made all of it's titles available in the Kindle format."

Though CogWheel Press encourages readers to purchase online books it realizes that some people simply want to hold a book in their hands, this is why all titles are available in trade paperback.

CogWheel Press
John McCormick