Gateway University and Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney Present the Angel Ministry Ordination Program
This Angel Ministry curriculum is a brilliant blend of academic learning and spiritual experience including Angelology, Intuitive and Mystical Skills development, Consciousness and Wisdom Technologies, Essential Spiritual Practices, and Ministerial Leadership Training with special guest speakers who are world leaders.
Santa Cruz, CA, April 30, 2009 --( Angels are sent by God to care for us during all phases of life, both the challenges and the celebrations. The Angel Ministry Ordination Program opens the door to the soul through the tender touch of Divine Love.
Angel Ministers are trained to invoke Angels to act as guides into the Sacred Presence of the Most High to receive guidance, healing and love. Inter-faith and pan-denominational, The Angel Ministry is inclusive.
The Angel Ministry provides the training and tools for this personal journey of healing and unification, and then supports the Angel Minister in creating a unique ministry of service based on soul purpose and individual talents.
The curriculum is a brilliant blend of academic learning and spiritual experience including Angelology, Intuitive and Mystical Skills development, Consciousness and Wisdom Technologies, Essential Spiritual Practices, and Ministerial Leadership Training with special guest speakers who are world leaders.
Ordained Angel Ministers can legally officiate at weddings, invoke blessings, baptize, provide pastoral counseling, conduct angel healings and attunements, and even start your own church. Plus, in the U.S., ministers get some unique tax benefits.
Students of The Angel Ministry program will:
* Make a deep excavation into who they really are as they learn to live in the light of God and guide others to do the same
* Understand why they are here so they can believe in themselves and know what they are here to do
* Integrate life and soul purposes with their unique Angel Ministry
* Develop a deep and personal relationship with God and Angels through experience and realization
* Act from the purpose that God intended for them
* Expand their knowledge base on angels and how to apply their gifts to the needs of life
* Invoke the presence of angels to infuse healing and clarity into any situation
* Learn a step-by-step method to turn challenges into opportunities
* Develop natural healing skills and abilities
* Strengthen their intuitive connection with angels and with people
* Receive abundant miracles and gifts as they uncover their soul's resonance of love
* Experience the happiness that results from living your potential and life purpose
Course work is delivered through live class sessions accessible by phone and internet, audio and guidebook downloads, books, personal coaching by phone, support calls, and a special Ordination Retreat.
This Angel Ministry Ordination Program runs for six months from May 4 - November 22, 2009. Additional information is available at
About Kimberly Marooney
Rev. Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D. has been described as a pioneer in the field of angelology and spiritual transformation. A gifted author, mystic, workshop leader, and spiritual counselor, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people world wide open to God's love, heal and move forward on their life paths.
The turning point in Dr. Marooney's life came during her tenure as vice president of a financial planning practice when a devastating illness forced her to resign. Near death, Kimberly turned to God in a deep and passionate prayer of surrender. In response, the heavenly host descended to cradle Kimberly in love and invite her to co-create a bridge to spirit.
Over the next few years, the angels infused her with the energetic essence of God while she wrote her first book, Angel Blessings. Kimberly shares this essence by connecting others with the aspects of God's love they most need through her books, workshops, and private healing sessions.
This extensive background in mysticism earned Kimberly one of the first Master's degrees in Angelology and a Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology. A respected author, her three internationally acclaimed books for self-transformation follow the angel's path to the soul.
For media contact and to schedule an interview, please contact Kimberly Marooney at or 831-419-3200.
Angel Ministers are trained to invoke Angels to act as guides into the Sacred Presence of the Most High to receive guidance, healing and love. Inter-faith and pan-denominational, The Angel Ministry is inclusive.
The Angel Ministry provides the training and tools for this personal journey of healing and unification, and then supports the Angel Minister in creating a unique ministry of service based on soul purpose and individual talents.
The curriculum is a brilliant blend of academic learning and spiritual experience including Angelology, Intuitive and Mystical Skills development, Consciousness and Wisdom Technologies, Essential Spiritual Practices, and Ministerial Leadership Training with special guest speakers who are world leaders.
Ordained Angel Ministers can legally officiate at weddings, invoke blessings, baptize, provide pastoral counseling, conduct angel healings and attunements, and even start your own church. Plus, in the U.S., ministers get some unique tax benefits.
Students of The Angel Ministry program will:
* Make a deep excavation into who they really are as they learn to live in the light of God and guide others to do the same
* Understand why they are here so they can believe in themselves and know what they are here to do
* Integrate life and soul purposes with their unique Angel Ministry
* Develop a deep and personal relationship with God and Angels through experience and realization
* Act from the purpose that God intended for them
* Expand their knowledge base on angels and how to apply their gifts to the needs of life
* Invoke the presence of angels to infuse healing and clarity into any situation
* Learn a step-by-step method to turn challenges into opportunities
* Develop natural healing skills and abilities
* Strengthen their intuitive connection with angels and with people
* Receive abundant miracles and gifts as they uncover their soul's resonance of love
* Experience the happiness that results from living your potential and life purpose
Course work is delivered through live class sessions accessible by phone and internet, audio and guidebook downloads, books, personal coaching by phone, support calls, and a special Ordination Retreat.
This Angel Ministry Ordination Program runs for six months from May 4 - November 22, 2009. Additional information is available at
About Kimberly Marooney
Rev. Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D. has been described as a pioneer in the field of angelology and spiritual transformation. A gifted author, mystic, workshop leader, and spiritual counselor, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people world wide open to God's love, heal and move forward on their life paths.
The turning point in Dr. Marooney's life came during her tenure as vice president of a financial planning practice when a devastating illness forced her to resign. Near death, Kimberly turned to God in a deep and passionate prayer of surrender. In response, the heavenly host descended to cradle Kimberly in love and invite her to co-create a bridge to spirit.
Over the next few years, the angels infused her with the energetic essence of God while she wrote her first book, Angel Blessings. Kimberly shares this essence by connecting others with the aspects of God's love they most need through her books, workshops, and private healing sessions.
This extensive background in mysticism earned Kimberly one of the first Master's degrees in Angelology and a Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology. A respected author, her three internationally acclaimed books for self-transformation follow the angel's path to the soul.
For media contact and to schedule an interview, please contact Kimberly Marooney at or 831-419-3200.
Kimberly Marooney
