Intrax Cultural Exchange
Intrax Cultural Exchange

National Promotion Makes Quality Live-in Childcare Even More Affordable

Leading U.S. live-in childcare agency launches a nationwide promotion to help families burdened with finding quality childcare at an affordable price. AuPairCare introduces families to au pair childcare, a little known solution that doesn't immediately come to mind for many families and is much more affordable than daycare or other live-in nanny options.

San Francisco, CA, May 01, 2009 --( Families across the U.S. continue to feel uneasy about making childcare payments when so many household income levels are in flux. AuPairCare,, a leading U.S. au pair placement agency, launched a promotion today to help ensure that families who are juggling financial commitments are not sacrificing the quality of their childcare. AuPairCare’s Match Now, Pay Later promotion allows families to choose an au pair for free delaying payment until 30 days before the au pair arrives in their home.

AuPairCare’s childcare services are already more affordable than most nanny or daycare options as an au pair costs about $320 per week, or $7 per hour, for 45 hours of live-in childcare regardless of the number of children. With this promotion, AuPairCare intends to help families begin the process of solving their childcare needs by waiving the $350 application fee, providing new families with free access to select an au pair from AuPairCare’s database of international au pairs, and they pay nothing until 30 days before their au pair arrival. Additionally, when families opt to use the Family Friendly Payment plan, AuPairCare will waive the $340 administrative fee.

AuPairCare’s President Geoff Watson says, “As a host dad for the past five years, I know how hard it can be to juggle the financial commitments of childcare and I also know how important it is to find the right care for your children. AuPairCare host families appreciate the affordability of au pair childcare as well as the benefits of exposing their children to other cultures through a trained international au pair; with this promotion we wanted to make it as easy as possible for new families to find their perfect au pair and bring all the benefits of au pair childcare home.”

Au pairs come to the U.S. for at least 12 months on a J-1 cultural visa to live with an American family and provide 45 hours of flexible live-in childcare per week. Families can select their au pair online from a database of 100s by search criteria such as nationality, interests, previous hours of childcare experience with kids of a certain age, etc. or with the help of a dedicated Match Expert. AuPairCare’s program is regulated by the U.S. Department of State, reassuring parents that their children are cared for by a carefully screened and qualified childcare provider.

About AuPairCare
Since 1989, AuPairCare,, has successfully placed more than 30,000 au pairs across the U.S with American families seeking flexible at-home childcare. Au pairs come from over 40 countries and have been thoroughly pre-screened by AuPairCare’s overseas representatives and again by their San Francisco headquarters’ office. All au pairs have previous childcare experience, speak English, attend a rigorous training program, and have a sincere interest in living with an American family and caring for their children.

Emilie Colker