Liz Mitten Ryan’s Horse Wins 2009 Silver Nautilus Book Award in a Literary First

The Truth According to Horses conceived and written by horses for people and has now won a 2009 Silver Nautilus Book Award.

Kamloops, B.C., Canada, May 01, 2009 --( Liz Mitten Ryan, world-renowned Artist, Author and Animal Communicator, is delighted to announce that her warmblood mare Premiere Edition (Prima) has won a Silver Nautilus book award in the Animals / Nature Category for The Truth According to Horses. This book, a literary first, was conceived and written by horses for people. It is the second in a series of four books co-authored by Mitten Ryan and her animals. One With the Herd – A Spiritual Journey won five IP awards at Book Expo America last year.

Nautilus Book Awards Winners ( are carefully selected in a unique three-tier judging process by experienced teams of book reviewers, librarians, authors, editors, bookstore owners, and leaders in the publishing industry. Mitten Ryan and Prima are in terrific company, as past Nautilus winners include Deepak Chopra, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Barbara Kingsolver, Thich Nnat Hanh and Dr. Andrew Weil.

The Truth According to Horses is a handbook to life through which the horses reveal a higher perspective and a wisdom untarnished by human mass-mind belief. Living year-around in close proximity with the herd and in seclusion from the rest of the world, Mitten Ryan has identified a door to spiritual realms and mysteries that many would like to open, but do not know how.

“The bulk of this book is Prima’s inspiration and was given to me through a series of telepathic communications,” said Mitten Ryan, commenting on the award. “The honor is hers.”

Prima, the first horse to win a book award, had this to say:

Our dream is for all hearts and minds to be united in truth. Spend some time with us in the quiet of communion, asking nothing but the truth. Let us help you remember a better world where we are all united in freedom and joy.

The remarkable setting of Mitten Ryan’s Gateway 2 Ranch along with her books, art, horses and life-changing retreats, are attracting international media attention. The horses are excited about interacting with people through visits and the series of Understanding the Infinite workshops planned for 2009. Visit Mitten Ryan and the herd at:

Liz Mitten Ryan - One with the Herd
Carol Upton