HPG Audit In-Charge Joins Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation Board

Hughes Pittman & Gupton CPA, Anna Pattison, has joined the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation’s board of directors. She will serve as treasurer of the newly formed non-profit organization.

Raleigh, NC, May 03, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Anna Pattison Serves as Treasurer of Newly Formed Non-Profit Organization

Anna Pattison, CPA with Hughes Pittman & Gupton, LLP (www.hpg.com), the largest locally owned and managed, independent CPA firm in North Carolina, has been selected to serve as treasurer of the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation (www.payitforwardfertility.org).

This newly formed non-profit organization helps people of various circumstances afford fertility treatments that are not covered by health insurance. As a founding board member, Pattison helps maintain the organization's financial records, as well as review affidavits provided by grant applicants.

"We're thankful to have the support of such a talented, diverse group of individuals," says Sameh K. Toma, M.D., executive director of the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation. "Anna's financial expertise will be a great benefit to the foundation as it continues to grow."

Pattison's appointment builds upon HPG's longstanding commitment to giving back to the community including firm members serving on boards of directors, assisting with fundraising events and providing financial direction for non-profit organizations.

About Hughes Pittman & Gupton, LLP (HPG):
HPG is the largest CPA firm headquartered and staffed in the Research Triangle Park region of North Carolina, as ranked by the Triangle Business Journal. Furthermore, Business Leader magazine ranked HPG as the fifth most successful small business in North Carolina in 2008. HPG is able to provide national and global accounting resources to its clients through the CPAmerica firm network of 701 offices worldwide. HPG offers a wide array of business accounting, auditing, corporate tax, and management advisory services. Specialties include serving owner-managed, investor-backed technology and life science, healthcare services, real estate development, manufacturing and distribution businesses, and providing ERISA audits, family wealthcare services and Sarbanes-Oxley internal audit services. More than just an accounting firm, HPG assists clients in looking beyond the bottom linesm by being the right firm, right value and right people to achieve each client's definition of success. Visit www.hpg.com.

About Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation:
Formed as a result of a generous donation from Lori and Rob Moscato of Raleigh, North Carolina, the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation helps people of various circumstances afford fertility treatments that are not covered by health insurance. The mission of the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation focuses on assisting three groups: couples who cannot afford fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor egg IVF, and embryo adoption; military personnel at North Carolina posts and bases who are being deployed and want to preserve their fertility by cryopreserving their semen or embryos; and cancer patients who want to preserve their fertility before they begin treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery which could leave them sterile. Additional information is available at www.payitforwardfertility.org.

Media Contact:
Mike Gauss

Hughes Pittman & Gupton
Mike Gauss