The #1 Thing You Need to Get That Job

New Book promises to "Save Your Sex Life" as well as your Career

Baltimore, MD, May 04, 2009 --( Finding a job, or promoting a business, ain’t what it used to be. Gone are the days when you could just send out resumes or direct mail pieces and expect people to call you. Now, you have to master a whole new series of “social media” technologies to target potential employers – or customers.

The Good News is that learning these strategies is relatively easy. The Bad News is that before you can use them, you have to Believe In Yourself first – and that’s much harder, especially in this recession.

Rosanna Tufts, a “Catalytic Converter” at OZ-Some Success, knows all too well the fear and shame that comes with losing the job and savings you thought you must have for your survival – “that sick feeling that you’ve screwed up so badly, nobody will touch you with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole, ever again.” But she also knows that “when God closes a door, He opens a window.” She believes that a major reason why so many people are losing their jobs now is that God meant for them to be doing something else anyway.

But what is that “something else?” For many, the answer is Starting Your Own Business – a process fraught with dangers, especially since more than half of them fail within the first 3 years. “If you do it out of Ego or financial desperation, you’re likely to make a wrong choice and end up even worse off than you are now. That’s putting the cart before the horse.”

In her new book, Don’t Start a Business without ME!, Tufts tells the true story of a man who got into a whole series of get-rich-quick schemes, until he got so far into debt that his wife had to support him out of her inheritance money – until she too had almost nothing left, and had to divorce him. “His fatal mistake was that he didn’t think he could come up with a Million Dollar Idea on his own, and therefore believed he had no choice but to hitch his wagon to other people’s pre-fabricated turnkey systems.”

Don’t Start a Business without ME! offers a series of tests and exercises to help you discover your real Core Competencies, so you can grow your marketability from the Inside Out. “Whether you are applying for a job or becoming an entrepreneur, either way you’re looking to get hired – and that means you have to be utterly confident that you, and you alone, can do something that nobody else can.” The book also offers ways to Save Your Sex Life in times of financial crisis, as well as numerous tips to prevent anxiety from overwhelming you.

Tufts’ experience includes 12 years as a Human Resources professional, but she really mastered the Importance of Being Unique when composing and producing “the world’s first Bondage-and-Discipline Rock Opera,” The Passion of Persephone. “Once I started doing that, I was no longer a mere wanna-be singer!” she laughs. Now she’s a Voice-Over Artist and popular public speaker, with her seminar that uses the archetypes of the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion to help people create their own “OZ-Some Success.”

The book is available as a downloadable e-book at for $19.97, “because when your finances are on the line, you can’t wait – you need help NOW.”

OZ-Some Success!
Rosanna E. Tufts