The Most Recession-Proof Job for 2009

Comparing the current recession to earlier ones in history, including 1981-1982, 1990-1991, and 2001, only some employment sectors experienced no job loss. In studying this list, Kim MacGregor, a Perception Expert and co-author of the award winning women's gift book, Be...a Woman: expressions of life, reveals the one job that shares much of the same responsibilities as all the others combined. Motherhood. 5 Recession Proof Industries compared to Mom's job Responsibilities.

The Most Recession-Proof Job for 2009
Toronto, Canada, May 04, 2009 --( Comparing the current recession to earlier ones in history, including 1981-1982, 1990-1991, and 2001, only some employment sectors experienced no job loss. In studying this list, Kim MacGregor, a Perception Expert and co-author of the award winning women's gift book, Be...a Woman: expressions of life, reveals the one job that shares much of the same responsibilities as all the others combined. Motherhood. "It's an entertaining and timely comparison that serves as a reminder of what makes mothers so indispensable in any economy and what we can learn from them in today's market," says MacGregor, who specializes in marketing to women.

5 Recession Proof Industries compared to Mom's job Responsibilities:

Security-crime has increased during every recession ensuring jobs for fireman, police, law enforcement, customs and security remain
Mom's role in Security- responsible for securing all unsafe environments,
able to respond frequently and quickly to emergency calls-screams and cries, protects the wine cellar from teenagers

Healthcare-increased mental and physical stress experienced in today's market equal demand for nurses, doctors, psychologists, caregivers, medical assistants, Physical Therapists, medical records
Mom's role in Healthcare-administer antibiotics, take temperature, tend to skin abrasions, clean soiled bedding, help make sense of life's mental and physical challenges, keep immunization records and medication history up to date

Education-need for trained teachers & skilled people in core processes of the education industry
Mom's role in Education-use formal and informal coaching tools to teach new language skills, sentence structure, social skills, mentoring, help with homework & answer questions relating to how everything in life works.

Food Industry-People can't give up eating even during a recession
Mom's role in Food Industry-menu planner, purchaser of food, nutritionist, chef, host, waitress, dishwasher

Sales & Marketing - Businesses need to market more aggressively in hard times. Skilled marketing and salespeople will do well
Mom's role in Sales & Marketing - skillful at collaboration, social networking, able to re-brand old products and pitch new ideas in inventive, cost-effective ways, i.e.: broccoli presented as green monster soup.

The job descriptions for "mom" floating around the Internet poke fun at the notoriously lowest paying, most demanding job there is. Mom's ability to demonstrate an enormous amount of skill in a large variety of job functions has unquestionably earned her the title of most recession proof job – even amongst a list of recession proof industry jobs.

In its 2009 Corporate Learning Factbook, research firm Bersin & Associates found that, "Today's business world demands a combination of formal and informal learning with an emphasis on collaboration, knowledge sharing, social networking, coaching, and mentoring." The obvious similarities between the skills demanded in the workforce and those of a mother send bells whistling for MacGregor. "Mom could be our most valuable resource," MacGregor says.

"Because they are so highly adapted to knowledge sharing," MacGregor explains, "Mom's could likely teach some of their other trademark skills, including; flexibility, organization, multi-tasking, efficiency and speed,
budgeting and accounting, focus and prioritizing, just to name a few."

MacGregor suggests we should lobby for mom's to collect payment in addition to the current currency of homemade pasta crowns, handmade beaded jewelry, finger-painted picture frames, and hugs. "In this economy it seems mother really does know best," MacGregor quips. "This could be her year to add consultant to her list of qualifications."

MacGregor is co-author of the International award winning gift book Be...a Woman: expressions of life, that celebrates the beauty of womanhood. As a motivational speaker, Kim specializes in how our perceptions of our
experiences shape our life. She is a mother of three. Kim offers a fun, entertaining feature great for any month - especially Mother's Day. For further information, to get a copy of the book or to schedule an interview or guest appearance with Kim contact her at 905-712-8593,, visit

Contact: Kim MacGregor /905-712-8593/

Kim MacGregor
Cell: 416-902-8593