ClydeSight Productions

Overweight Students Can Get Help from Healthy Weight Diet DSPP Subliminal Perception Program

Healthy Weight Subliminal Perception Program helps students develop positive attitudes toward exercise and attendance at gym or physical education classes.

Malden, MA, August 03, 2006 --( The school year means classes, and among them are P.E. or gym. Schools provide these courses to help strengthen the body just as academics strengthen the mind. For some students, gym or P.E. classes can help them deal with weight problems through the benefits of exercise.

Nevertheless, overweight students may have difficulty keeping up, may be prone to ridicule by classmates, and may not do well. They can become self-conscious and anxiety ridden. They may cut classes to avoid embarrassment and the ridicule of others, or the even the strain of exercise.

ClydeSight Production's Healthy Weight Diet DSPP helps overweight people get back on track through an unconsciously motivated attitude change about eating and exercise.

One user wrote, "I was watching the Healthy Weight program when I suddenly had the idea to set up my exercise bike in front of the computer monitor. Now I get my physical exercise AND my attitude change at the same time. I didn't think about doing this, the idea just occurred to me after a few sessions with your program. Thank you."

Healthy Weight Diet DSPP is a visual subliminal perception program that runs on the computer desktop in 15-minute sessions. The user starts the program and looks at the monitor while it displays an abstract animation and the subliminal messages. There is no soundtrack, and no special equipment is required. Positive, confidence building, attitude-changing affirmations activate the unconscious mind to replace negative self-defeating thoughts and ideas about weight. Thus, the user changes behavior to healthy food intake, and loses weight gradually, easily and the change is permanent.

The program displays positive "I" centered affirmations that the viewer absorbs subliminally. Some of the affirmations focus on exercise, changing an attitude of avoidance to one of acceptance and even excitement. It includes Activator Phrase (TM), a trigger phrase that recalls the positive affirmations even when the program is not being viewed.

The program can be highly effective for students from grade 8 through college. This isn't mind control. It's a way to help overweight students overcome self-defeating attitudes-- attitudes they sometimes can't even express.  When children are using the program, a parent, teacher or counselor can sit with them to provide additional support and help them keep focused on the screen where the affirmations appear.

Parents, teachers, P.E. instructors who provide Healthy Weight Diet DSPP sessions for students will see results over the school term. The more a student views the program, the more the positive attitudes will take hold and the student will be able to succeed at managing his or her weight and do well in gym or P.E. classes, even enjoy them.

Healthy Weight Diet DSPP is only available for purchase on-line. The Web site has details and a free demo of the program for review of the DSPP process.


ClydeSight Productions are creators of inspiring and entertaining multimedia, music e-books and websites.
ClydeSight Productions
Tim Thompson
(781) 322-4430