New CIM USA EMV Power Suite is a Complete Turnkey Solution That Will Make EMV Migration Easier and Faster

CIM USA has released the new EMV Power Suite. The EMV Power Suite can quickly and easily deploy your EMV or other smart card programs only in a matter of months.

Miami, FL, May 06, 2009 --( CIM USA, a manufacturer and distributor of machines for credit card issuance, ID card printing, and plastic card personalization announces the introduction of EMV Power Suite in the US and Latin American markets. EMV Power Suite is a hailed turnkey solution including hardware, software, and services required to quickly and easily deploy your EMV or other smart card programs only in a matter of months.

Partnering with Publicenter, one of Europe’s leading EMV migration services companies, CIM offers a true 360 turnkey solution for EMV migration. Starting from a magnetic stripe data file, the solution consists of data preparation, key management, chip personalization, chip supply and VISA / MasterCard certification consultancy.

Being modular the Banks can pick and choose the components to suit their needs and budget. “We have had some customers request the Chip Personalization Module only whilst others, particularly in Latin America ask that we guide then from certification through to the issuance and supply of the finished cards” says Gus Quiroga, Vice President of Sales for CIM USA Inc.

One of the great advantages of EMV Power Suite is that it has been designed to operate independently from the equipment brand, saving the Banks from the costs of being locked into a single supplier for equipment and cards.

“CIM designed the complete solution for EMV migration, and we are the only company that offers: equipment, software, cards and technical support for the migration to EMV” says Gus Quiroga.

EMV Power Suite may also be adopted as a fully outsourced solution allowing Banks to keep their investment costs down until their EMV program is fully developed. CIM says they are equipped to work with budgets of any size for true partnership arrangements with Banks.

About CIM USA Inc.
CIM is a manufacturer of a complete line of machines for credit card issuance, ID card printing, and plastic card personalization established in 1985. CIM USA was established to distribute the complete CIM product line into the USA and Latin America.

Pamela Gonzalez
305-639-3040 ext 209