UnitedStatesofAMillion.com - Not Just Another Ordinary Million Pixel Homepage

UnitedStatesofAMillion.com - Not Just Another Ordinary Million Pixel Homepage
Bath, United Kingdom, August 02, 2006 --(PR.com)-- www.UnitedStatesofAMillion.com is launched today.

Inspired by Alex Tew's MillionDollarHomepage.com that sparked a new era in the history of online advertising, Jake Xu, a 25-year-old web designer and the Online Editor of one of the UK's longest-running and best-selling internet magazines, has launched UnitedStatesofAMillion.com.

The homepage of UnitedStatesofAMillion.com is a grid of 10,000 boxes, each consisting of 100 pixels (10x10). Compare to MillionDollarHomepage.com, it offers its advertisers even more creativity. By incorporating into the design the map and flag of the United States, the site is able to introduce a fresh perspective to the concept. Only boxes on the map and the stars and stripes on the flag are for sale, so that when the site is filled with adverts the map and the flag will still be recognisable. Companies and individuals can buy one or more boxes for $100 each ($1 per pixel) and cover it with an image of their choice such as their logo etc., which, when clicked on, transports web users to the customers' own site.

"The most vital element of a successful online advertising campaign is to engage the target audience. This has challenged today's online agencies to consistently provide their clients with the most creative and inspirational ideas for their campaigns," said Shane Xu, Jake's business partner and twin brother who has worked in media and advertising for the last 3 years. "UnitedStatesofAMillion.com provides its advertisers with a brand new platform to engage the online audience most effectively, no matter if it's a branding campaign or a response-driven campaign."

The site will be online for at least 5 years guaranteed, however the aim is to keep the site online forever. Once purchased, the adverts will stay on the site permanently. This site will be talked about, visited and remembered by millions of people around the world. You can be a part of that if you own a piece of this website!

So what are you waiting for? Visit www.unitedstatesofamillion.com today and start owning a real piece of internet history.

* For further information please send your enquiries to press@unitedstatesofamillion.com

Contact: Jake Xu
2nd Floor, 66 Lower Oldfield Park,
Bath, United Kingdom BA2 3HP

Phone: +44 7870 592205
Email: press@unitedstatesofamillion.com

Jake Xu