3g Factory™ and I6NET Unveils Their Common Video Calling Solutions

I6NET provider of 3G/IP IVR / IVVR VoiceXML communications components and 3G FACTORY™, the innovative french company that leads 3G video applications market, have successfully integrated their solution.

San Diego, CA, May 07, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The VXI* VoiceXML browser gives the ability to rapidly develop and deploy innovative voice and video applications via IP, PSTN, and 3G-324M networks. VXI* is fully compliant with the W3C’s VoiceXML 2.0+ specification and is integrated with automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech software to enable advanced voice and video solutions, and real-time video calling applications.

The 3G FACTORY VISIODIOTEL™ service, which made it possible to launch interactive video services such as friendship sites, information portals, video blogs, image transmission sites, distance voting, tourist information services, etc. now comes complete with solutions for automatic payment, such as Credit Cards, SMS+, Scratch Card, etc.

After two successful years, “The VISIODIOTEL™ Service integrates new functionalities – which make convergence possible with the world of Mobile Internet and especially the Internet itself – with our solutions, putting The Video Call at the heart of WEB 2 and mobile convergence, so we can bring our clients and web users solutions capable of generating immediate revenue,” comments Dante Tota, founder of 3G FACTORY™.

Iván Sixto, CEO of I6NET, says: “3G FACTORY™ is a company who understands very well business around videocall services and has a large experience providing innovative applications for 3G networks. Working with the 3G FACTORY™’‘s professional team provide to I6NET an high value added partner support for our IVVR platforms that increase our business development”

3G FACTORY™ is dedicated to the development, installation and use of multimedia services accessible on Video Call. With a secure utilization center and large capacity, 3G FACTORY™ offers a complete solution to client editors, media companies, and content producers in Europe.
3G FACTORY™ | 55 avenue Galline - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
dtota @ 3g-factory . com |

About I6NET
I6NET Solutions and Technologies Limited is a pan European company specializing in the development of new applications and advanced communication solutions. Its innovative VoiceXML browser and applications technology enables the creation of interactive voice and video IP/3G services to access multi-lingual and dynamic contents.
I6NET | calle Magallanes 13 - 28015 Madrid - Spain
info @ i6net . com |

I6NET Solutions and Technologies SL
Ivan Sixto