Chestnut Hill Realty Successfully Reduces Carbon Imprint and Raises Awareness
Year's account of what Chestnut Hill Realty has done to become more environmentally aware.
Chestnut Hill, MA, May 11, 2009 --( Last April, Chestnut Hill Realty (CHR) announced the launch of a comprehensive green initiative targeting its existing properties. The ‘Live Green’ program is a multi-faceted effort targeting all CHR communities, its residents, and its employees. Outlined below are the accomplishments since the inception of the initiative in the following areas: education and awareness, energy conservation, water consumption, electricity and lighting, recycling, landscaping, pesticides and maintenance.
To date, CHR has successfully reduced their carbon imprint on fuel by 688 tons. That is enough to send one car from Augusta, Maine to Los Angeles, California 248 times.
Education and Awareness: CHR realizes that education and awareness of environmental issues is the key to affecting change. Last April, CHR gave away nearly 5000 reusable grocery bags to residents and employees with information on how to reduce, recycle, and reuse within their own homes. Throughout the year, CHR hosted contests and events at various communities to encourage additional awareness for recycling, energy conservation and water consumption with great results.
Energy Conservation: CHR has installed 1700 digital thermostats to replace mercury thermostats. The conversion has resulted in a 13% decrease in energy used. Furthermore, 1300 apartments and town homes were re-insulated, 1700 doors were re-weather stripped, and 416 windows have been replaced to significantly increase the energy performance of these buildings.
Water Consumption: CHR achieved a water conservation of 40% at their communities by installing water-saving toilets, faucets and showerheads.
Electricity and Lighting: CHR replaced inefficient incandescent lighting fixtures with low wattage fluorescents and CFL’s in common areas and outdoor lighting. Also, new residents are provided with a green move-in gift with two CFL light bulbs for use in their home.
Recycling: CHR placed recycle bins at every desk company-wide and set up each computer with duplexing and scanning abilities. This helped dramatically reduce the number of copies made by company employees by almost 100,000 pieces of paper. Additionally, copy paper was switched to 30% post consumer material and 100% of toner cartridges are now sent back to the manufacturer for recycling. Overall, recycling increased by 53%.
Landscaping, Pesticides and Maintenance: The CHR Horticulture Department began replacing old leaf blowers and trimmers with fuel efficient and noise reducing equipment. Smart irrigation was installed in most communities resulting in a reduction of water usage by almost 70%. The CHR Maintenance Departments successfully instituted a light bulb and appliance replacement program that consists of replacing inefficient lighting and appliances and using proper means to recycle the old material.
To date, CHR has successfully reduced their carbon imprint on fuel by 688 tons. That is enough to send one car from Augusta, Maine to Los Angeles, California 248 times.
Education and Awareness: CHR realizes that education and awareness of environmental issues is the key to affecting change. Last April, CHR gave away nearly 5000 reusable grocery bags to residents and employees with information on how to reduce, recycle, and reuse within their own homes. Throughout the year, CHR hosted contests and events at various communities to encourage additional awareness for recycling, energy conservation and water consumption with great results.
Energy Conservation: CHR has installed 1700 digital thermostats to replace mercury thermostats. The conversion has resulted in a 13% decrease in energy used. Furthermore, 1300 apartments and town homes were re-insulated, 1700 doors were re-weather stripped, and 416 windows have been replaced to significantly increase the energy performance of these buildings.
Water Consumption: CHR achieved a water conservation of 40% at their communities by installing water-saving toilets, faucets and showerheads.
Electricity and Lighting: CHR replaced inefficient incandescent lighting fixtures with low wattage fluorescents and CFL’s in common areas and outdoor lighting. Also, new residents are provided with a green move-in gift with two CFL light bulbs for use in their home.
Recycling: CHR placed recycle bins at every desk company-wide and set up each computer with duplexing and scanning abilities. This helped dramatically reduce the number of copies made by company employees by almost 100,000 pieces of paper. Additionally, copy paper was switched to 30% post consumer material and 100% of toner cartridges are now sent back to the manufacturer for recycling. Overall, recycling increased by 53%.
Landscaping, Pesticides and Maintenance: The CHR Horticulture Department began replacing old leaf blowers and trimmers with fuel efficient and noise reducing equipment. Smart irrigation was installed in most communities resulting in a reduction of water usage by almost 70%. The CHR Maintenance Departments successfully instituted a light bulb and appliance replacement program that consists of replacing inefficient lighting and appliances and using proper means to recycle the old material.
Chestnut Hill Realty
Gina-Marie Cummings
Gina-Marie Cummings
