"Stepfamily Straight Talk" Seeks Corporate Sponsors
New talk show, seeking to help a segment of distracted learners become better-focused students, seeks corporate sponsors for broadcast airtime and website advertising.
Los Angeles, CA, May 10, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Not all talk shows are all talk - some have teeth, too, as evidenced by Tricia Hope Powe who is the host of "Stepfamily Straight Talk", an Internet-based talk show set to launch at NewDayTalkRadio.com on July 25, 2009. Powe has been in a stepfamily role in one form or another her entire life. She created an innovative, stepfamily assimilation planning service and delivered the first elementary-school-based workshop in 1990. Certified in Family Mediation under the instruction of Woody Mosten, Los Angeles, Powe is preparing to fulfill the mission of StepfamilySystems.com by reaching out to parents leading families with children from other relationships through the Internet-based broadcast. Derailed for a period of time as she lost her parents to Alzheimer's and Heart Disease, Powe is back to help children presently being distracted by poor stepfamily dynamics at home or between their parental households become better-focused students, and she is seeking corporate sponsors for both the broadcast and as advertisers on the website to pay for revolutionary conferences and retreats designed to strengthen relationships between households. Contact TPowe@StepfamilySystems.com.
Tricia Hope Powe
Tricia Hope Powe
