Real Estate Lead Source Announces May Promotion

The May special is targeted to Real Estate agents who want to build a pipeline of motivated buyer clients right away. The promotion includes fast track lead flow and reduced minimum orders.

Scottsdale, AZ, May 14, 2009 --( Real Estate Lead Source, the top ranked Exclusive Real Estate lead generation service, announced today a May promotion for Realtors. The May special is targeted to Real Estate agents who want to build a pipeline of motivated buyer clients right away. The promotion includes fast track lead flow and reduced minimum orders.

Specializing in Real Estate Lead Generation, Real Estate Lead Source attracts motivated Real Estate Buyers through hundreds of exclusive Real Estate Web sites each focused on a specific Real Estate Subject. Social networking, blogging, and PPC is used to drive motivated Real Estate Buyers interested in buying homes for a specific reason to these sites. Real Estate Lead Source’s sites are listed on major Internet portals like Google, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, as well as on their powerful network of affiliate sites across the Web.

Real Estate Lead Source is unique in that leads are delivered exclusively to a single real estate agent within minutes of a contact request. This gives the Real Estate Agent the opportunity to talk directly to motivated buyers at the crucial moment they express an interest in making a purchase. Often the agent makes contact while the motivated buyer is still sitting at the keyboard and still searching. Agents are able to talk directly to motivated real estate buyers and schedule appointments at the optimum moment in the buying process. Agents find this process much more successful and less time consuming than setting up their own real estate lead generation site.

Lead generation is what it is all about and we can help. Real estate lead source provides real estate leads right to your in box. They deliver exclusive contact information from buyers ready to talk.

This promotion is available for a limited time. It’s easy to get started just go to and click on the Get Leads Now tab. Please remember, this is not a lead system you need to set up, all the work has already been done. Just click on the May Special Button and before you know it you will be talking directly with motivated buyers in your area who want to buy from you. Get your Real Estate Pipe line on the fast track.

For more information please contact
Michael Noel
Agent Coordinator
Real Estate Lead Source LLC
Phone: 800-605-9110

Real Estate Lead Source LLC
Michael Noel