Blocked Up InBox? Let the Blog Remove the Clog

At long last, there's a blog where internet marketing students can study email marketing subject lines - without having to subscribe to mailing lists which fill up their inboxes every day.

Marlborough, United Kingdom, May 22, 2009 --( Ex email junkie Simon Carreck (AKA Sandman) joins mailing lists you nominate, which then flood his inbox with emails.

Those emails are trying to sell anything from self-improvement products to sex guides to the latest internet marketing must-have ...

... and he then publishes all the subject lines at, on a nearly daily basis.

Benefits to blog visitors include:
- A much lighter load on their inbox
- Examples of great and not-so-great email subject lines
- A lowdown on who's selling what at the time, either independently or as an affiliate
- Direct links to marketers' salespages - and -
- A link to the "Who's Who" of internet marketers, at the sister site


(Oh, and there's a certain amount of spam-flavoured amusement both on the blog and the website.)

Simon's been publishing since January 1st this year, and the most common reaction is, of course, "Why"?

"Well," he says, "It stops me just sitting there reading emails all day long, doesn't it?"

For more details or even an email Q&A session, contact Simon at sandman(at)
Subject Line Sandbox
Simon Carreck
44 79 051 87654
email's the best contact method