Founder of SkyVault Publishing Offers Free Career Coaching Services to Ex-Military and Unemployed

Tampa-based employability expert announces new program, especially tailored for those who need it most during an economic downturn.

Tampa, FL, May 21, 2009 --( Managing Director of SkyVault Publishing, and nationally recognized career coach, Lance T. Walker today announced the launch of a new program targeted to the needs of men and women leaving the military, and to the unemployed - two of the hardest hit groups as America struggles to regain its economic footing.

For a limited time, anyone separating from the armed forces, or dealing with the stress of unexpected unemployment, can gain access to the kind of career guidance services that usually only the well-to-do can afford - for free. The program even includes a top quality Personality Assessment Profile to help clients pinpoint exactly the kinds of jobs they should be looking for.

"It's my way of contributing more than just a 'thank you'," says Lance. "This recession can actually be an opportunity for us as a society. We have huge challenges to face, but we also have great new career options never before available. It's high time we stopped ignoring some of our greatest assets - those who have served their country in time of need, and those with valuable work experience whose industries have been shedding jobs."

A military veteran himself, Mr. Walker credits his Air Force experience with helping him escape a life of inner-city struggle during the recession of the early 1980's.

"I was just coming out of high school, and I made some critical educational and career decisions that almost took me out of the game," Lance says. "If I hadn't had the option of joining the USAF, there's no telling where I'd have wound up. A little bit of genuine career coaching at that time would have changed my life completely."

Mr. Walker believes that standard career counseling, while useful, is not necessarily enough in today's super-competitive environment. Many veterans, for example, may need help "re-civilianizing" and adjusting mentally to a world where people don't follow orders and rank is not clearly displayed on a sleeve or a collar.

"We teach our military members to win," says Lance. "There is simply no reason for them to come home and have unemployment take that feeling away from them. We have the knowledge and the technology to help them obtain the living standard they've earned. And now it's available at no cost."

Lance T. Walker describes himself as an "accountability career coach", meaning he specializes in keeping clients motivated to actually follow through on their commitments to themselves and their goals. He originally founded SkyVault Multimedia Publishing as a vehicle to help others become self-
employed after the dot-com crash of 2001.

Those interested can get their free Performance Profile, along with a Complimentary 50-minute Strategy Session by visiting the web site, .

Lance T. Walker - Author, Speaker, Career Coach
Lance T. Walker