FoxyTag: 30'000 Speed Cameras in Your Google Phone
A permanently updated and worldwide speed camera database for any Android Google Phone, that's what Speed Cam Hunter is proposing . By using the FoxyTag speed cameras database, Speed Cam Hunter presents a significant advantage over its competitors.
London, United Kingdom, May 28, 2009 --( FoxyTag is a free and legal system to signal speed cameras on mobile phones that works worldwide. The system is collaborative and self-managed: The users "tag" the speed cameras and some electronic trust engines check the quality of the posted information. In August 2008, FoxyTag opened the access to its server in order to let everyone to develop his own warner or to integrate the speed cameras in an existing application, like a GPS navigation system. A few weeks later they discovered a first candidate called TrackerTag, a system optimized for Symbian S60 phones (Nokia N95, Nokia Navigator...), and then EyeRadars, a version for the iPhone.
And now the expansion of FoxyTag compatible applications seems to continue with this first version working on the brand new Android Google Phone. Christophe Petit, the responsible of the project and former winner of the Google Challenge 2008, would like to follow the worldwide propagation of the Google Pones with his application: "Today most of our clients are from North America. But our two main assets, the fact that we are the first to provide a such collaborative system and the fact that we use the worldwide FoxyTag database, should allow us to widespread our speed cameras warner in Europe from this summer onwards." These North American users enjoy particularly Michel Deriaz, the FoxyTag project leader: "FoxyTag was not competitive in North America until now. But with Speed Cam Hunter we expect to be soon able to provide the same quality as for Europe."
Speed Cam Hunter is in beta version and provided for free until the 31st of May 2009. After they expect a price of about 10 € for an unlimited use.
And now the expansion of FoxyTag compatible applications seems to continue with this first version working on the brand new Android Google Phone. Christophe Petit, the responsible of the project and former winner of the Google Challenge 2008, would like to follow the worldwide propagation of the Google Pones with his application: "Today most of our clients are from North America. But our two main assets, the fact that we are the first to provide a such collaborative system and the fact that we use the worldwide FoxyTag database, should allow us to widespread our speed cameras warner in Europe from this summer onwards." These North American users enjoy particularly Michel Deriaz, the FoxyTag project leader: "FoxyTag was not competitive in North America until now. But with Speed Cam Hunter we expect to be soon able to provide the same quality as for Europe."
Speed Cam Hunter is in beta version and provided for free until the 31st of May 2009. After they expect a price of about 10 € for an unlimited use.
Michel Deriaz
Michel Deriaz
