Renowned Professional Coach Steve Maraboli Takes TV by Storm

Port Washington, NY, May 28, 2009 --( Renowned Professional Coach, Speaker, Writer, National Radio Show Host, and Personal Coach, Steve Maraboli is taking TV by storm as the Empowerment Correspondent on the new hit TV show “Live It Up! with Donna Drake and Fran Capo.”

Each week, Steve's segments offer practical strategies, time-less wisdom, humor, and a fresh perspective on personal growth, achievement, and success. Past segments have included Goal Mapping for Success, Wealth-Fit, The Art of Letting Go, and Your Greatest Self.

Live It Up! with Donna Drake and Fran Capo, which debuted on April 3 on WLNY TV 10/55 alongside some juggernauts as Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil and Rachel Ray, is an inspirational television show with a brilliant cast of entertaining experts in various fields reaching 8 million viewers every Friday from 6-7AM. For more information about Live It Up! with Donna Drake and Fran Capo visit

"Simply remarkable! Steve Maraboli shares potent strategies and breakthrough philosophies that will undoubtedly boost all aspects of your life."
- Mark Riley, New York Times

"Empowering, refreshing, inspiring, and life changing. Steve Maraboli's seminar was an event I will never forget!"
- Michelle Hewitt, Los Angeles Times

"As a business coach and mentor, Steve Maraboli is second to none. His strategies and programs will propel you to great levels. As a speaker, the power and effectiveness of his words and philosophies are remarkable. His seminars are excellent!"
- William Krunger, Fortune Business Review

"Aside from being an inspiring speaker and philosopher, Steve Maraboli is one of today's great business minds. Having already built an international empowerment empire, he continues to help others understand and excel in business. In this new global economy, Steve is behind many of today's great business successes."
- Anne Gung, Entrepreneur Today

"His coaching programs and strategies are effective on many levels. Steve Maraboli is the real Millionaire Mentor!"
- David Brady, Fortune-Online

For more information please contact Dana Wisselman at A Better Today PR (800) 445-0921 or via email at

About Steve Maraboli:

A renowned Professional Coach, Speaker, Writer, National Radio Show Host, TV Correspondent and Personal Coach, Steve Maraboli has risen to international prominence by delivering highly penetrating speeches and effective programs that help people shake off mediocrity, destroy personal barriers, and live up to their greatest potential. His words have helped countless people across the globe align themselves with happiness and create a mindset that attracts success and excellence.

Steve has dedicated his life to the understanding of achievement, empowerment, and personal enhancement. With persistence and determination, he has initiated and continued a process of unending self-education that has distinguished him as an authority on human potential and personal enhancement. His passion to learn and his hunger to realize greatness in himself and others helped him rise from a young Military Policeman to the recognized leader in personal and professional enhancement. Today, Steve is President of A Better Today, Inc., a company that creates education and empowerment programs that are currently running in 41 countries.

Steve's national radio show, Empowered Living, has been heard by millions across the globe and has become a meeting place for today's great thinkers and communicators. Steve also travels delivering penetrating speeches and effective coaching programs that continue to electrify audiences from Fortune 500 companies to community organizations.

A Better Today
Dana Wisselman