KOHR Group Human Capital Management and Consulting Launches New Web Site

Coconut Creek, FL, May 28, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The newly redesigned web site of KOHR Grou Human Capital Management and Consulting went live last week on the World Wide Web. Through this new site KOHR Group aims to extend the reach of their programs for small and mid-size businesses.

"Our online visitors will now be able to access a more simplified and easier to navigate site, showcasing the value added services we provide to small and mid-size businesses." stated Jared Koesten, President at KOHR Group. "I am pleased that we are able to provide HR services that are not often available to smaller organizations due to lack of resources or budgetary constraints. Through our flexible service delivery model we offer both project based and outsourced HR services that meet any organizations unique needs and budget."

KOHR Group:

KOHR Group, LLC is a provider of professional human capital management & consulting services. KOHR Group provides solutions that help organizations align their human capital and business objectives, and promote organizational efficiency, sustainability and growth. Our custom tailored solutions include: On-Demand & Outsourced HR Administration, Training & Organizational Development, HR Audit & Compliance, Performance Management Programs, Policy/Procedure, Recruitment & Staffing Services, and Payroll & Employee Benefits Services.

KOHR Group Human Captial Management and Consulting
Jared Koesten