The IED Countermeasures & Defence Market is an Important Defence Sector That Will Exhibit Significant Growth Over the Coming Years, as Visiongain Defence Report Shows
IED Defence Market 2009-2018. there is a large market for IED countermeasures and defence, with leading and developing countries worldwide investing steadily in those products.
London, United Kingdom, June 03, 2009 --( Article Source:
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a significant threat in many conflict zones, most notably in Afghanistan and Iraq currently. Those makeshift bombs can be presented surreptitiously and used without warning, to devastating effect, especially against patrolling troops. Main threats take the form of roadside bombs, car bombs and suicide bombing.
In this new report - IED Defence Market 2009-2018 – you will see how the US has spent billions of dollars on IED countermeasures, but still IEDs are a number one threat to US military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. Consequently, there is a large market for IED countermeasures and defence, with leading and developing countries worldwide investing steadily in those products. Over the coming four years, the US will invest tens of billions of dollars on a large fleet of new vehicles to counter the IED threat, with some other countries following. Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) are currently being developed to replace High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles (Humvees). There are also significant market opportunities for IED detection and inactivation systems, including jammers, as discussed in this report.
Why you should read this report
Visiongain’s IED Defence Market 2009-2018 report provides a detailed market and industry analysis for IED countermeasures and defence worldwide, with a focus on the overall world market and those of principal national markets. The report focuses on the following aspects of that sector in particular:
• The contemporary IED defence market and its challenges
• Sales forecasts and other key metrics for the global IED defence market up to 2018
• Sales forecasts for the principal submarkets up to 2018
Key content of the report
This new visiongain report – IED Defence Market 2009-2018 - discusses the present and future market for counter-IED systems and IED defence. In addition to consultations with experts in industry, this research involved a detailed study of relevant commercial and policy documents, as well as emerging developments
Importance of IED defence systems
So far this decade, the number and magnitude of terrorist attacks have been high, with significant losses amongst both civilians and military personnel. The current situation suggests that IED devices - favoured by terrorists and insurgents - are a threat here to stay. However, militaries worldwide are taking active steps to protect forces and civilians against the significant threat of IED attacks, especially in conflict zones. IEDs are still a formidable threat to the US and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, in particular. Therefore, counter-IED systems are amongst the most important tools for countering terrorism and insurgency worldwide. This market sector has seen dynamic revenue growth from 1998 to 2008, with that progress set to continue well into next decade, as this report shows. No organisation working in explosive countermeasures or related technology can afford to ignore the present and future commercial opportunities in IED defence and countermeasures, as Visiongain new IED Defence Market 2009-2018 report shows.
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+44 (0)20 7336 6100
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a significant threat in many conflict zones, most notably in Afghanistan and Iraq currently. Those makeshift bombs can be presented surreptitiously and used without warning, to devastating effect, especially against patrolling troops. Main threats take the form of roadside bombs, car bombs and suicide bombing.
In this new report - IED Defence Market 2009-2018 – you will see how the US has spent billions of dollars on IED countermeasures, but still IEDs are a number one threat to US military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. Consequently, there is a large market for IED countermeasures and defence, with leading and developing countries worldwide investing steadily in those products. Over the coming four years, the US will invest tens of billions of dollars on a large fleet of new vehicles to counter the IED threat, with some other countries following. Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) are currently being developed to replace High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles (Humvees). There are also significant market opportunities for IED detection and inactivation systems, including jammers, as discussed in this report.
Why you should read this report
Visiongain’s IED Defence Market 2009-2018 report provides a detailed market and industry analysis for IED countermeasures and defence worldwide, with a focus on the overall world market and those of principal national markets. The report focuses on the following aspects of that sector in particular:
• The contemporary IED defence market and its challenges
• Sales forecasts and other key metrics for the global IED defence market up to 2018
• Sales forecasts for the principal submarkets up to 2018
Key content of the report
This new visiongain report – IED Defence Market 2009-2018 - discusses the present and future market for counter-IED systems and IED defence. In addition to consultations with experts in industry, this research involved a detailed study of relevant commercial and policy documents, as well as emerging developments
Importance of IED defence systems
So far this decade, the number and magnitude of terrorist attacks have been high, with significant losses amongst both civilians and military personnel. The current situation suggests that IED devices - favoured by terrorists and insurgents - are a threat here to stay. However, militaries worldwide are taking active steps to protect forces and civilians against the significant threat of IED attacks, especially in conflict zones. IEDs are still a formidable threat to the US and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, in particular. Therefore, counter-IED systems are amongst the most important tools for countering terrorism and insurgency worldwide. This market sector has seen dynamic revenue growth from 1998 to 2008, with that progress set to continue well into next decade, as this report shows. No organisation working in explosive countermeasures or related technology can afford to ignore the present and future commercial opportunities in IED defence and countermeasures, as Visiongain new IED Defence Market 2009-2018 report shows.
Visiongain ltd.
4th Floor,
BSG House,
226 236 City Road,
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7336 6100
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7549 9930
Or Visit at:
Contact Person
Suvitha Damodaran
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7549 9946
+44 (0)20 7336 6100
Visiongain Ltd.
Suvitha Damodaran
+44 (0) 20 7336 6100
4th Floor,
BSG House,
226 236 City Road,
United Kingdom
Suvitha Damodaran
+44 (0) 20 7336 6100
4th Floor,
BSG House,
226 236 City Road,
United Kingdom
