A New e-Thriller

An Apocalyptic Whodunit. Terrorism, humanitarian disasters, nuclear proliferation and apocalyptic fanaticism are the toxic ingredients of Gog – an End Time Mystery. Set in near-future Egypt, this political thriller is a whodunit on an epic scale – with millions dead and a global cast of suspects – that shows how reality can be manipulated to enshrine falsehoods as history.

London, United Kingdom, June 04, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Published under a pseudonym, its authenticity reflects the author’s familiarity with Egypt, aid work, sex tourism, and strategic deception. Ideologies and religions are mercilessly dissected, the Egyptian characters use vivid Arabic slang, and readers will learn much else besides…


It is two years since terrorists destroyed the Aswan High Dam, flooding the Nile Valley, killing sixty million Egyptians in a single day – a fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy of Ezekiel, many believe.

Nick Baring, a jaded accountant auditing the relief effort, vanishes. His wife, Carina, flies out to find him and becomes entangled in a conspiracy reaching from the brothels of Suez to a Pre-Dynastic tomb on the Giza Plateau, and far beyond…

Fate throws her together with three Egyptians: an aid agency driver, a Suez bargirl and an orphan scavenging the ruins of Cairo. Together they must survive gunships, sandstorms and betrayals, to discover the truth behind Nick’s disappearance.

Was the Flood a holocaust perpetrated by one cabal of fanatics manipulating another, or the countdown to Armageddon foretold in the Bible and the Qur’an?

About the author

Alan Barr is the pseudonym of a writer whose non-fiction works have been translated into various languages. He adopted it to avoid being banned from Egypt, where he knows spies, sex-hustlers and tomb-robbers – all of whom provided background material for Gog – an End Time Mystery. The novel also draws on his experiences of aid work in the Balkans, Saharan expeditions, and managing a belly-dancer in Cairo.

Publication details

Gog – an End Time Mystery is available in a range of digital formats. Visit http://gogbook.wordpress.com/ for more details.

To preview the book please visit www.smashwords.com/books/view/1650 or http://content.yudu.com/Library/A17e35/GOGanEndTimeMysteryP.

Gog – an End Time Mystery is digitally published by Avantoure UK Ltd (www.avantoure.com) . For more information please email gog@avantoure.com

Avantoure UK Ltd
Serafima Bogomolova