Poor Man's Recession Center Offers Help to Consumers

Poor Man's Recession Survival Ctr is a clearinghouse of useful DIY content geared to helping the middle class survive the economic squeeze.

Queen Creek, AZ, June 05, 2009 --(PR.com)-- “The principal preoccupation of almost everybody in the 1930s was getting by,” the great A.J. Liebling wrote in May 1963.

That same sentiment has most Americans preoccupied today and that’s why the Poor Man’s Recession Survival Center was created.

Bruce David capitalized on his consumer affairs background to create a site which offers a clearinghouse of usable, mostly free, DIY information in such areas as alternative energy, jobs and career resources, barter and food co-ops, debt reduction and more.

The economic downturn has affected everyone and most Americans were caught short in terms of preparation in the areas of finances and work. Our dollar has lost 40% of its purchasing power since 2005 and most everyone is feeling the pinch.

The consumer-friendly, resource-rich site isn’t fancy on graphics, but offers a tremendous amount of information average people can take advantage of and put to immediate use.

David is best known for his $tarting $mart Newsletter and his best selling small business manual, Mercenary Marketing, popular in the early 1990s. He’s also the current acting director of the not-for-profit MinimalistGroup.org, an organization focused on voluntary simplicity living styles.

Additionally, David offers his own politically incorrect insights on how Washington and Wall Street created our middle class squeeze.


Contact: Bruce David, bedavid@yahoo.com
Site: http://www.poormansurvival.com

Poor Man Recession Survival Ctr
Bruce David