to Host Search and Browse Platform for Twitter Participants

The "Nation" - a social and professional platform at will soon be able to provide profiles and specific searches for thousands of Twitter-ers nationwide. Find fellow Twitter-ers in your community, of similar interests; and even find old hometown and school friends who also twitter. Post your profile and hook up with folks and businesses of similar interest. Earn Income telling other Twitter participants about their network and opportunity.

Boston, MA, June 05, 2009 --( (Attleboro, MA) has announced that its’ “Nation” social and professional platform will soon play host to thousands of individuals, professionals, and businesses that utilize the Twitter communication platform.

According to management, folks who twitter will soon be able to establish personal and professional profiles with, on its Nation platform, that will provide an easy search and browse medium and find other Twitter-ers. By entering simple search words, Twitter participants will be able to locate, communicate, and interact with individuals and businesses in the same geographical area, find folks with common interests nationwide, and even twitter link with old college and hometown friends. A specific launch date has not been announced, but the company is targeting June 15.

“Twitter is one biggest communication networks right now and there are still millions who haven’t even sent a “tweet”, says Tyler Foster, CEO of “Thousands of people world-wide send random messages and thoughts to a black-hole of opt-in followers. However, there are very few mediums that allow Twitter fans to really see who they are communicating with and select folks of common geographical area or interests.” Tyler goes on to say that “there are several platforms that allow folks to match via a word in a tweet message, but that seldom equates to a specific interest.”

While folks who twitter enjoy the concept of thought dumping and the challenge of growing a large following, people still like to view pictures and browse specific content and interact with folks of similar interest. will provide this medium. Foster states that neither of the two biggest social networking sites have the ability to browse without friend acceptance and/nor the ability to drill down its search to the extent soon available at

What will make the especially attractive is the fact that site visitors can search and browse for free, and establishing a profile can be as inexpensive as $1.00 per year. has also announced that all participants will have the same membership benefits as other Nation members, including the ability to earn income through its affiliate program. Management believes that there is a significant opportunity for individuals to earn income by simply tapping the multi-thousand Twitter user base.

In addition to the tremendous stand-alone platform features and benefits afforded to its targeted Twitter audience, management acknowledges that this hosting role should also drive thousands of Twitter users to its directory of local small businesses.“ “This should be a huge boost for local small businesses that choose to list with us”, says Foster.

There is no affiliation between and Twitter.

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Tyler Foster