Believers and Brothers: a History of Uneasy Relationship. This New Book Will Give You an Insight to Know About the Truth of the Current Hostilities Throughout the World.

The book summarizes the basic causes of hostility among the Jews, Christians and Muslims while all living together as foe and friend for centuries. The truth is hidden in a mixture of religion and politics while it searches for viable and sustainable solution.

Believers and Brothers: a History of Uneasy Relationship. This New Book Will Give You an Insight to Know About the Truth of the Current Hostilities Throughout the World.
Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 10, 2009 --( The book, authored by Israr Hasan, comprises of two parts—part-I deals with the faith and practices of the believers—the three Abrahamic traditions and their irreconcilable theological issues and Part II deals with their relation throughout the passage of history. It covers a huge sweep of both time and place, begins in the seventh century and extends into the twenty-first. Its boundaries spread through Algeria to the south, and Vienna to the north, the Atlantic to the west, and the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean to the east. It traces the history of the origins of the three faith traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and goes through their encounters and interactions culminating in their conquests and reconquests. We can read them and see how they made an impact on the human imagination and civilization. The deep cause seemed hidden beneath the religious or cultural explanations, underlying political and economic rivalries, hatred and animosities, personal ambitions and vanities, chances and accidents.

The book thinks that inter-faith understanding for peaceful coexistence is a minimal need of our time. It is not the same thing as love or friendship. To the contrary, it is an expression of distance, an acknowledgment of boundaries that will remain. It is informed by an attitude of "live and let live." Coexistence is an ideal without illusions. In a pluralistic society, ethnic and cultural differences are not abolished. They are legitimized, and society strives to guarantee that the law will be blind to them.

The book finds that we are increasingly confronted by people and groups whose worldviews are utterly different from ours, and these people are our neighbors, co-workers, and schoolmates of our children, our in-laws, our clients, our employers and more. In today’s world of global connectedness, we must develop the capacity to dialogue and create relatedness with people vastly different from us. We do not need to be the same, but we should find just enough similarity and tolerance between us that we can hold hands as fellow travelers in this life, all the while mindful of our differences in myriad ways.

This book is available in paperback and eBook format at publisher's web, or from other anchor bookstores,,,, etc. or from the author.

Contact: Israr Hasan, Email:
Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Believers and Brothers
Israr Hasan
+954-474-9344 Hm
+786-247-0826 Cell