Commodity Rentals Gets a New Look to Promote Their Rental Software Products

Los Angeles, CA, June 10, 2009 --( To stand separate from the other rental business software providers in the market Commodity Rentals entered into the new look for itself. Commodity Rentals now offers the rental software for the CDs and books library. That is, CD rental software and Books/eBooks rental software are the two new rental softwares in the new look. Also it provides the software of Trade Manager which can prove to be useful for the traders.

CD rental software and Books/eBooks rental software provides its users as well as the owners with the number of benefits which could help in improving the business. The software provides the users as well as owners with unlimited number of product categories and within each category number of products related to that category.

As far as owners’ side is concerned the software easily fits into your environment. It provides them with the images for each and every category. The payment is also user friendly with the trustable payment medium of PayPal. Looking into the end users point of view the software provides them with the latest list of their favorite movies and books. The customers can search for any of the titles, authors, and publisher as well as on the basis of the description. Also the users can have a look at the preview as well as the rating before choosing the book or CD of their choice.

Trade Manager Software helps the owner to track the communication details of the buyer-seller, manage the buying leads, selling leads and products. It also provides them with the trade shows and the ability to subscribe and manage the trade alerts. With this software the buyers can easily find the products as well the suppliers of their choice. The sellers could easily edit the details of the products and provide the buyers with the display of the various products by the various sellers.

For additional information regarding the different verticals of the rental software provided by Commodity Rentals visit The interested one could also view the demo of the rental software you wish to have it for your business to have a better idea about its features and benefits.

Commodity Rentals is the place where on can find the software with the purpose to solve every rental business purpose. It provides many verticals of the rental softwares which could fulfill the needs of not only the established rental business but also helps the new comers into the business to launch his business in an effective and efficient way. It provides a fully extensible and customizable platform to launch the new business as well as to improve the existing rental business.

Commodity Rentals
Bruce Davenport