Equation Arts Founder Interviewed on ThriveAMERICA

Business Blog Invites David Cohen to Discuss Small Business Branding http://thriveamerica/video/davidcohen.

Atlanta, GA, June 13, 2009 --(PR.com)-- ThriveAMERICA, an Atlanta-based video podcast hosted by Brent Brooks, has released an interview with David Cohen, founder of Equation Arts. David, who is referred to as “The Brand Therapist” discussed the essential elements of web branding: Clarity, Authenticity and Consistency. The program is available via Internet at http://thriveamerica/video/davidcohen and each of the three segments is available on YouTube.com.

About Equation Arts, LLC:
Equation Arts, LLC is an Atlanta-based personal and small business branding agency. Our mission is to clarify your message. We use “whole brand thinking” to find the context and positioning to set you apart from your competition. By delivering a cohesive vision, Equation Arts creates entry points for customers, partners and prospects to understand what you do and why it is meaningful to their businesses. For more information visit them at http://www.equationarts.com or email us at info@equationarts.com.

About ThirveAMERICA
ThriveAMERICA is a new, blog-based video program designed to give your business the innovative tools you need to overcome today’s brutal economy. In each new webisode, ThriveAMERICA gives flourishing business owners a forum to share their strength, hope and experience as they successfully navigate these tough times. In addition, we interview experts in the fields of consulting, business coaching, branding and marketing, and more.

Equation Arts
Julie Mason