New Dog Stock Photo Resource & Portrait / Assignment Photographer

New dog stock photography image collection offers cheap high definition digital dog pictures and quick downloads on easy royalty free license terms. Firm also provides commercial dog photography services for advertisers, pet portraits and magazine editors.

Ojai, CA, June 18, 2009 --( is thrilled to announce the opening of their brand new fully automated dog stock photography catalog for Pet Industry marketing professionals and publishers of trade media.

Now art directors, editors, advertisers, marketers and retailers can find the dynamic and beautiful pictures of dogs they need whenever it is convenient for them, and, in this deadline-driven world, they will be ready for download at the specified size as soon as the order is complete - all at royalty free terms.

The new dog stock photography catalog is located at this url: also offers bulk discounts so pet industry professionals ordering in quantity can stretch their budgets and save.

Prices are based on file size so clients only need purchase as much
image (size) as they need.

If the requirement is for a dog picture to run at 300 dpi full page in a magazine (editorial or advertising), order that, but, if all that is needed is a small web-ready file, well, clients can order that too at tremendous price savings.

Size selection is made from a drop-down list above every full-sized picture.

The catalog is structured both by dog breed and topic. Searching for a breed image? Start in that category. Looking for an activity or concept that is not breed-specific like dog agility, splash dog, running or something funny? Begin the quest in those albums.

Of course, there is also a keyword search tool which will return all matching results.

The first few hundred images are now online including some amazing Australian Shepherd images that speak to the fun outdoors during the Summer.

Australian Shepherd Pictures

And so does this picture of a beautiful shepherd mix at play in the

About is a specialized photography/HD video production company and royalty free stock library (photos and video). We produce trade show photos and videos, corporate marketing videos, tv commercials advertising photography and editorial content on assignment. Our specialty is capturing health and vitality in outdoor action oriented sequences of dogs and horses. Please call them for a quote on your next project: (805) 985-2320.

Adam Parker
Please use the contact form on their website to e-mail them and to see sample images.