Massage Therapist Announces New Website for “Touch-Play” Book Designed to Strengthen the Connection Between Parent and Child

Website is launched in conjunction with National Family Month and preceding the publication of a unique book with "touch-play' activities for healthy family and child development. The website and book are a resource for incorporating nurturing touch into busy family life in a fun and easy way.

Los Angeles, CA, June 18, 2009 --( Our lives become busier by the day and more computerized. We spend much time behind the computer or in front of the television. And with us, so do our children. In these times especially we must be mindful of the continued need for human touch.

In conjunction with National Family Month, Martine Groeneveld announces the launch of her website preceding the release of her new book “Mommy, Draw Stars on My Tummy” (PT Book Publishing, November 2009, ISBN: 978-0-982295-908, $19.95) Groeneveld chose this month to launch her website in an effort to focus attention on the continued need for positive and loving touch within families. “Nurturing touch within the parent-child relationship is the foundation of healthy child development. Parents have magic in their fingertips!” says Groeneveld.

A registered nurse, licensed massage therapist, certified infant massage instructor and mother of two young children, Groeneveld has long known about the healing power of touch and its vitality to our physical and mental well-being. For the past five years, she has taught classes and workshops on baby and child massage.

“Positive human touch is a basic need for life, like food and water. Every child has the right to experience it.” says Groeneveld. “This website and upcoming book are resources for incorporating nurturing touch in today’s busy life.”

Although many websites have been launched and books have been published about massage for babies and children, Groeneveld introduces a unique concept by combining touch, storytelling and beautiful illustrations on “Mommy, Draw Stars on My Tummy.” Benefits of nurturing touch included on the site and in the book are: comforting and calming your child, laughing and having fun with touch-play activities, stimulating cognitive development and creating a happier, healthier family. Through a blog, newsletter, and social networking features like Twitter and Facebook, Groeneveld creates a community of people expressing the hope for all children to experience the benefits of growing up with nurturing touch.

Studies on the benefits of touch have been conducted widely for nearly 40 years. Since the founding in 1992 of the Touch Research Institute, a center solely devoted to the study of touch, extensive research in the field has grown tremendously. Some of this important research is included on “Mommy, Draw Stars on My Tummy.” Among the findings:

• Touch stimulates weight gain in babies.
• Touch improves alertness and responsiveness.
• Touch improves cognitive performance.
• Touch stimulates brain development.
• Touch reduces aggression.

“My hope with this website and book is for parents and children to slow down, focus on each other and enjoy a closer relationship,” says Groeneveld. “I would love for all families to experience the wonderful benefits of positive and loving touch.”

For more information or to pre-order the book “Mommy Draw Stars on My Tummy,” visit


Media contact: Divera Beerepoot Phone: 310-455-2690 e-mail:
PT Book Publishing
Divera Beerepoot