411US.info Announces 411Roanoke.info, a Local and National News and Information Website

411US.info announces 411Roanoke.info, a local and national news and information website. 411Roanoke.info connects people to information on the Internet in a clear and organized way.

Roanoke, VA, June 19, 2009 --(PR.com)-- 411US.info announces 411Roanoke.info, a local and national news and information website that connects people to information on the Internet in a clear and organized way. Users in Roanoke and surrounding areas can find information on demand including:

News, Weather, and Sports — Local and National
Local Information — linking to websites of Roanoke-area newspapers and TV stations; maps, TV listings, movies, and government services.
Travel — Allows access to travel sites, to compare prices or to book a trip. Allows users when traveling to keep up with news and events in both destination and hometown.
Reference —Gives users quick lookups to great reference sites.

Newbies with little Internet experience can choose from menus on www.411Roanoke.info that are categorized, well organized, and easy to understand.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, executives and power users can use 411Roanoke.info to quickly look up information every day. This provides these users with a powerful tool to efficiently retrieve information.

For travelers and road warriors, 411Roanoke.info provides quick access to travel sites. Users can change the zip code and look up local information on their destination including news, weather, maps, and events. Travelers can then change the zip code back to their home zip code to keep up with what’s happening in their hometowns.

In addition, 411Roanoke.info is a worthy reference tool for students. Students can quickly look up the definition of an unfamiliar word, or find the Wikipedia article on an interesting topic. College students can also use the site to keep up with local news in their hometowns.

Jerry Guzi, founder of 411Roanoke.info (and 411US.info), created the site to provide a clear, clean, and organized way to retrieve information, on demand. Guzi says he wanted to provide an information menu that’s waiting for users to order what they want, when they want it.

In addition, 411Roanoke.info can (with the help of Google Translate) translate information into French, Italian, German, Spanish, or Japanese.

411Roanoke.info is for Roanoke area users. Others can use 411US.info , enter their own zip code, and find the best information available on the web, at their fingertips, in a neatly organized and easy-to-use way.

Linking to www.411Roanoke.info (or www.411US.info ) from one’s own website can give clients helpful information (for example for realtors and their clients), and can add usefulness and value to business and non-profit websites.

It’s pretty cool. It’s useful. It’s fast. It’s free.

411Roanoke.info is one of the family of website domains that are part of 411US.info. A list of domain names for metropolitan areas is available at www.411us.info/domains .

411US.info is a division of Jerry Guzi & Company, Inc. Contact Jerry Guzi. feedback@411US.info

Jerry Guzi