OurEnergy.us Empowers Consumer to Stop Global Warming

OurEnergy.us Empowers Consumer to Stop Global Warming
Grand Rapids, MI, August 18, 2006 --(PR.com)-- American energy consumers are taking personal action to reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels and slow global warming due the lack of a national energy policy. One way consumers are limiting the amount of global warming pollutants is by supporting the generation of clean domestic energy.

OurEnergy.us a program that enables individual and business energy consumers to supports the production of wind and other renewable energy is one solution energy consumers are using to directly impact clean energy generation in America. Thousands of US energy consumers, witnessing a lack of a clear energy policy in Washington, have decided to lessen their dependency on foreign and fossil fuels by demanding the production of domestic clean energy with OurEnergy.us. And a vast majority of Americans indicate they would willingly choose clean domestic energy over traditional sources such as natural gas and coal if the costs were equal; by eliminating this cost barrier OurEnergy.us has been able to increase its membership in the hundreds per month.

“American energy consumers want to take concrete action to slow global warming and reduce America’s dependence on foreign and fossil fuels but are looking for the most cost effective way to do it,” says John Zyskowski CEO of OurEnergy. “Consumers have been the driving force behind the successes of products and services, by building demand for clean energy the production will follow,” says Zyskowski.

The major hurdle many clean energy programs face is how best to incorporate the program into consumers existing behavior at the most affordable price point. With OurEnergy.us there is no need for a behavior shift and no extra cost to bear for the consumer. “Our goals have always been to work with the American energy consumer in driving clean energy production, by offering an easy and free service,” says Zyskowski.

Here’s how it works: Individuals and businesses sign up at OurEnergy.us and either elect to support wind energy with the National OurEnergy option, or through one of OurEnergy’s utility partners. Once in the OurEnergy network, individuals and businesses actively generate more clean domestic energy with their everyday personal and business shopping at more than 700 retail stores and businesses. When signing up with the OurEnergy program, network users download the Clean Energy Tracker tool that works in the background while shoppers are online. When a shopper visits a site in the OurEnergy network, the Clean Energy Tracker informs them of the potential contribution from the participating retailer. If the purchase is made, then the retailer contributes a percentage of the member’s purchase which covers the cost of the clean energy certificates, effectively eliminating the premium cost associated with renewable energy. Participating online retailers include Staples, Expedia.com, Home Depot, Gap.com and many more.

More American renewable energy generation will lessen our demand and dependency on volatile foreign and fossil fuels, such as natural gas and oil and eliminate their global warming emissions. This will help the United States create new jobs, help to curb rising energy and gasoline costs faced by all Americans, and slow global warming.

OurEnergy, founded in 2005, was created to address global warming and advance the long-term development of renewable energy in the United States by eliminating the cost to consumers. For more information, visit www.ourenergy.us

John Zyskowski