World Marbles Federation Project Launched
Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic, June 24, 2009 --( Most of us know marbles as a child game. But in these days many adult players compete in the marbles tournaments. There are also international marbles tournaments organized in some countries. To promote marbles all over the world and to initialize establishing of the World Marbles Federation, a new internet project was launched.
Organizers of the World Marbles Championship from the Czech Marbles Federation registered a new domain name - This website describes the idea of establishing World Marbles Federation, explains how the marbles are played in the international tournaments and contains information about current and past international events. Visitors can see the photos and watch videos describing how to shoot marbles.
"Marbles are played all over the world but only a few countries organize serious tournaments," says Petr Sejba, president of the Czech Marbles Federation. "This website was created for those who are looking for information about marbles game. We believe that people who are looking for information about marbles will also like the idea to organize marbles events in their countries."
Czech Marbles Federation was founded in 1999. In 2002 organized its first international tournament and in 2005 first world marbles championship. In these days, members of the Czech Marbles Federation are trying to initialize establishing of the World Marbles Federation.
Organizers of the World Marbles Championship from the Czech Marbles Federation registered a new domain name - This website describes the idea of establishing World Marbles Federation, explains how the marbles are played in the international tournaments and contains information about current and past international events. Visitors can see the photos and watch videos describing how to shoot marbles.
"Marbles are played all over the world but only a few countries organize serious tournaments," says Petr Sejba, president of the Czech Marbles Federation. "This website was created for those who are looking for information about marbles game. We believe that people who are looking for information about marbles will also like the idea to organize marbles events in their countries."
Czech Marbles Federation was founded in 1999. In 2002 organized its first international tournament and in 2005 first world marbles championship. In these days, members of the Czech Marbles Federation are trying to initialize establishing of the World Marbles Federation.
Czech Marbles Federation
Petr Sejba
Petr Sejba
