Find the Latest Info on Gear and Tactics in The Bowhunter’s Digest
The Bowhunter's Digest - all the latest gear and equipment info for bowhunters. A Must-Have for All Bowhunting Enthusiasts. Available now from Woods N' Water Press.
South New Berlin, NY, June 24, 2009 --( Woods N’ Water Press is pleased to announce the release of its newest title in the Save Our Heritage series of branded books in association with the Bowhunting Preservation Alliance titled, The Bowhunter’s Digest by Rick Sapp.
BPA’s The Bowhunter’s Digest is the ultimate guide to getting the best info on today’s bowhunting gear and how to use it. It provides the kind of details every bowhunter needs not only to be well-informed about the latest in bowhunting gear and technologies - but how to benefit from using them too! Rick Sapp, author of The Complete Bowhunter’s Journal and Trophy Bowhunting, is a longtime bowhunting authority. He provides easy-to-understand information about how to improve your shooting skills, plenty of technical information, and also covers all the latest equipment, including bows, arrows, broadheads, sights, rests, and quivers.
Sapp delves into top spots and game for bowhunters covering deer hunting; elk, bear and moose hunting; and pronghorn, caribou, mountain lion sheep and goat hunting. For many of today’s bowhunters who plan to head the The Dark Continent – there is a chapter on hunting in Africa. Each of the chapters include information on state and province season dates, license fees, and crossbow info, too. The bulk of the book focuses on gear with the following chapters:
Your Compound (Compound Bows)
The Horizontal Alternative (Crossbows)
Get the Shaft (Arrows)
Driving Your Point Home (Broadheads)
Rah-Rah-Rests! (Arrow Rests)
Set Your Sight on Success (Bow Sights, Scopes and Shooting Aids)
Peep Show (Peep Sights and Peep Alternatives)
More Fun Stuff (Stabilizers, Quivers, and Release Aids)
Each of these chapters ends with a listing of corresponding product manufacturers, their phone numbers and web site addresses. A glossary of archery and bowhunting terms is also included.
As the CEO and President of the Archery Trade Association, Jay McAninch, said, ““Bowhunting is a passion that has seen many through tough times such as the economic climate under which this book is being published. Thus we believe the contents of this work will provide many bowhunters with all they need to know to immerse themselves in the world of bowhunting. The Archery Trade Association works to put archery into every community, invite every beginning archer to try bowhunting, and wants every bowhunter to find opportunities to hunt where they live. Your purchase of this book will help provide the means for us to spread the “good news” about archery and bowhunting and insure that, long after you’ve left the woods, others will experience the adrenaline rush and genuine satisfaction shared by all who’ve hunted with stick and string. Thanks.”
The Bowhunter’s Digest by Rick Sapp; pub. date June 2009; Price: $22.95; Softcover; 6 x 9; 100+ BW photos; 224 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9795131-2-1; available from the publisher at,,, and Baker & Taylor. Distributed by Cardinal Publishers Group
BPA’s The Bowhunter’s Digest is the ultimate guide to getting the best info on today’s bowhunting gear and how to use it. It provides the kind of details every bowhunter needs not only to be well-informed about the latest in bowhunting gear and technologies - but how to benefit from using them too! Rick Sapp, author of The Complete Bowhunter’s Journal and Trophy Bowhunting, is a longtime bowhunting authority. He provides easy-to-understand information about how to improve your shooting skills, plenty of technical information, and also covers all the latest equipment, including bows, arrows, broadheads, sights, rests, and quivers.
Sapp delves into top spots and game for bowhunters covering deer hunting; elk, bear and moose hunting; and pronghorn, caribou, mountain lion sheep and goat hunting. For many of today’s bowhunters who plan to head the The Dark Continent – there is a chapter on hunting in Africa. Each of the chapters include information on state and province season dates, license fees, and crossbow info, too. The bulk of the book focuses on gear with the following chapters:
Your Compound (Compound Bows)
The Horizontal Alternative (Crossbows)
Get the Shaft (Arrows)
Driving Your Point Home (Broadheads)
Rah-Rah-Rests! (Arrow Rests)
Set Your Sight on Success (Bow Sights, Scopes and Shooting Aids)
Peep Show (Peep Sights and Peep Alternatives)
More Fun Stuff (Stabilizers, Quivers, and Release Aids)
Each of these chapters ends with a listing of corresponding product manufacturers, their phone numbers and web site addresses. A glossary of archery and bowhunting terms is also included.
As the CEO and President of the Archery Trade Association, Jay McAninch, said, ““Bowhunting is a passion that has seen many through tough times such as the economic climate under which this book is being published. Thus we believe the contents of this work will provide many bowhunters with all they need to know to immerse themselves in the world of bowhunting. The Archery Trade Association works to put archery into every community, invite every beginning archer to try bowhunting, and wants every bowhunter to find opportunities to hunt where they live. Your purchase of this book will help provide the means for us to spread the “good news” about archery and bowhunting and insure that, long after you’ve left the woods, others will experience the adrenaline rush and genuine satisfaction shared by all who’ve hunted with stick and string. Thanks.”
The Bowhunter’s Digest by Rick Sapp; pub. date June 2009; Price: $22.95; Softcover; 6 x 9; 100+ BW photos; 224 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9795131-2-1; available from the publisher at,,, and Baker & Taylor. Distributed by Cardinal Publishers Group
Woods N' Water Press, Inc.
Kate Fiduccia
Kate Fiduccia
