BEAUTY Announces ‘Naturally You’ Contest

BEAUTY Magazine, the one-of-its- kind beauty and grooming magazine in the country, being published by Tech Plus Media, has announced its ‘Naturally You’ beauty contest for women across the country. The winner can win a beauty kit worth Rs 1lakh, and appear on the cover of the magazine. Check out the latest issue of BEAUTY for further details.

New Delhi, India, June 22, 2009 --( BEAUTY Announces ‘Naturally You’ Contest

The magazine aims to encourage women take pride in their looks

BEAUTY Magazine, the one-of-its- kind beauty and grooming magazine in the country, being published by Tech Plus Media, has announced its ‘Naturally You’ beauty contest for women across the country.

In this contest women are encouraged to send in their entries looking their natural best minus heavy makeup. Any woman between 18 to 35 years of age can take part in this contest. All they have to do is send in three of their best pictures. The winner can win a beauty kit worth Rs 1lakh, and appear on the cover of the magazine.

According to Kalpana Singhal, Managing Editor of BEAUTY, this contest is expected to encourage regular women to come out and showcase their natural looks. “This is to celebrate the spirit of true beauty. It is also a contest that celebrates the natural woman. Any woman who is between 18 to 35 years can participate in this contest by revealing her true femininity. You have to send your best pictures where your confidence in your womanhood shows through.”

Interested ladies will have to send three 5 x 7 photographs– one close up, one full length and mid length in profile, along with a brief note about themselves including beauty regime, hair care regime, favourite brands, products etc. This contest is open till August 2009.

Adds Kalpana Singhal, “We are a magazine for regular women who love to look groomed, and also for women entering the world of grooming. This contest will help them realise their potential as a beautiful women. BEAUTY stands for individuality. We talk brands, but we also let you know what goes inside each product, and what best works. After being two years in the market, we sell more than 85 thousand copies pan India, and are growing considerably. Our indigenous brand has been a success as it finds resonance in regular women.”

Check out the latest issue of BEAUTY for further details.

Note: Interested contestants can send their details -
address, phone number, and email id- to
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Deepali Sharma