There is a Miracle Happening

Candy Lopez will unveil the creation of the new Motivational Miracle website. Candy will take her woman-owned business nationally and internationally, spreading her messages of experience, strength, and hope.

Union City, CA, June 25, 2009 --( Motivational Miracle changes attitude to change lives. For companies, the measurable rewards are greater productivity, enhanced teamwork, vastly improved communication, and higher profits. For individuals, this means living one’s life the way it was meant to be lived.

In both good times and bad, the difference is attitude, and Candy has discovered the tools within herself to overcome the most devastating adversities. Through Motivational Miracle, she has made it her life’s work to communicate her knowledge of this inner resource. She helps people find their way out of darkness by using her own journey as a light and example.

Do miracles happen?
Motivational Speaker Candy Lopez is living proof that they do.

When Candy Lopez stands before an audience; the telltale signs of a truly inspirational motivational speaker are instantly recognizable: The eye contact, the heartfelt sincerity, the total engagement of speaker and audience. Candy speaks about finding hope in a sea of hopelessness, about overcoming adversity, about reinventing yourself, and creates an instant rapport with her listeners because she has done all these things.

Ms. Lopez redefines “the learning experience.” Whether in person or facing a Webinar camera, she has an endless supply of stories from her own life to demonstrate how any person can turn life’s most devastating experiences into lessons that can make you stronger. Raised by a massively abusive father who mercilessly beat her, her brother and her mother, she learned that these “family values” didn’t have to be her values. Early on she learned that life is full of problems but every problem has the seed of its solution. Every day offers a new spark of hope, if you can learn the hardest lesson of all: You can only control yourself.

Motivational Miracle offers three main presentation themes, and each can be custom-tailored for the needs of your company, organization or group. Thriving in Chaos; PLAY – Practice Laughing At Yourself; and Accepting Yourself, So You Can Accept Others, each of these themes stress the fundamental basics of: decent humanity exists in each of us, self-responsibility, and serenity. Yes, the world is chaotic, but our minds don’t need to be. Yes, we sometimes take ourselves too seriously and fail to see the humor and irony that rises up from the chaos. Yes, people try to beat us down, denigrate us, make us feel unworthy and inferior, but we don’t have to accept those judgments. We can assess ourselves, with tools we can learn, and we don’t have to judge others merely to raise our own self-esteem.

Candy’s Motivational Miracle presentations give fun usable tools to embrace cultures, leadership, forgiveness, personal growth, confidence, accountability, organizations and management; this leads to enhanced job satisfaction, increased productivity, higher profits and a joy for one’s life. Together, this package of insights can equip any company or individual in transforming a life of stress and confusion into a journey of hope and opportunity.

Motivational Miracle
Candy Lopez