Seeing the Beauty in the Moment

St. louis, MO, June 26, 2009 --( Author Publishes Book on Smile Nuggets

Author and eLearning Specialist Jim Lombardo has written about his experiences searching for and finding smile nuggets that are all around us, and published it on, the online marketplace for digital content.

“I seized the moment to smile at every opportunity. It is not rocket science, but science has revealed that what you say to yourself can improve how you feel.”

Jim studied the technique of focusing on the moment or living in the "now," and he wants to share what he discovered when he put this science to a test. When he began "looking at the dashboard and not through the windshield," something amazing happened. He felt good. It became easier to live in the present. He stopped looking backward and even forward. Jim is a great example of the type of author we often encounter on Lulu. He has not only been creative with what he has written but also with how he has written it. After you read some of his "moments", it won’t be long before you will begin taking note of your own.

“My journey has been, and continues to be, a combination of hard work, luck, and hanging around some of the brightest and most innovative people in the world; Tina, Emily, AJ, Doug, Melissa, Tony, Mack, Sam, Max, Shelley and Bella just to name a few. I hope to cross your path and add you to my list.” is the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.

Jim Lombardo is an eLearning specialist with a passion for helping folks succeed, and of course smile more. His work takes him to many parts of the country. He lives in Brentwood, a suburb of St. Louis, with his wife and son. His book can be found at

Jim Lombardo