New Service Assists Brands Looking for Exposure in the College Market is a web based community designed specifically to allow both college campus event organizers and companies (or advertising agencies representing companies) looking for exposure in this highly coveted market of over 18 million students aged 18-27. By bringing these two groups together Ad-On Gear allows both parties to take advantage of the literally thousands of opportunities to exchange free give aways for brand exposure.

Cleveland, OH, June 30, 2009 --( Now any corporation, or advertising agency whose clients are seeking brand exposure in the college market, have a new and innovative tool to add to their arsenal of marketing weapons in the battle to gain more visibility and brand recognition in this highly sought after market.

Ad-On Gears™ free online community creates an environment in which both parties can participate in and interact with one another in order to mutually benefit from the thousands of opportunities available throughout the college school year for brand exposure. Created in order to assist anyone whose job it is to gain exposure within the college market, it’s designed to make their job a whole lot easier. By becoming part of and actively being involved within the Ad-On Gear™ community it will pay big dividends for any company interested in exposing their brand to this coveted market; which presently consists of over 18 million students aged 18-27 with annual spending power of over 200 billion dollars.

Corporations or advertising agencies with client looking for opportunities to gain brand recognition and exposure in the college market can simply donate free give away corporate branded items to on campus events, thereby allowing campus event organizers to supplement their already tight budgets; and in exchange these corporations gain exposure for their brand either in a very focused manner or on a massive, nationwide basis. And the ability to take advantage of these opportunities is all being offered free by the Ad-On Gear™ company in the form of an online community which has created the environment necessary to allow interaction between all parties involved; that being advertisers, advertising agencies, campus event planners and students.

When asked about how he came up with the basic concept behind this new and innovative online community, President of Ad-On Gear™, Brent White said, "This whole concept stemmed from the frustrations I had witnessed firsthand while working with both parties as the owner of my former promotions company. It seemed as if both sides involved in the process, the college organizers who with tight budgets were looking for ways to supplement their event budget and therefore were open to receiving free give away branded items, as well as the corporations, who were frustrated with the daunting task of trying to keep up with the literally thousands of opportunities for brand exposure in the college market; both of which seemed to need a mutually satisfying solution. It was from this that I realized an opportunity to create an online community which solved the problems for both parties and the result of which is now the Ad-On Gear™ website located at”

It would seem as if now those frustrations, as well as the many lost opportunities, are a thing of the past with Ad-On Gears™ new website. With a quick visit to the website any college event planner, student, advertising agency, or corporation can build their very own profile in order to let others know how they can help one another; build a wish list of items they are either looking to donate or in the case of colleges, items they are looking to receive; can communicate within the community on a number of forums offered; as well as participate in a number of other interactive functions within the community site.

A truly classic example of a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Ad-On Gear
Brent White