iFrameHack.com Launches to Help Combat Rampant iFrame Malware Attacks That Are Crippling Internet Sites

http://www.iFrameHack.com has been launched to assist merchants in combating recent malware attacks that propagate by inserting malicious iframe scripts into websites in order to infect site visitors. iFrameHack.com's services include assisting merchants in removing the offending scripts and assisting in requesting a Google review if their site has already been removed from the Google index as a malware distributing site.

Atlanta, GA, July 03, 2009 --(PR.com)-- http://www.iFrameHack.com has just been launched to help internet webmasters and ecommerce merchants whose sites have recently been infected by a rash of malicious iframe injections. These viruses/trojan scripts have been propagating for some time and have recently started spreading at an amazing rate. Security research firms estimate that over 60,000 sites have now been infected with malware that then attempts to infect the computers of visitors to these sites with additional viruses and trojans.

The virus, once it has infected a local machine, attempts to access stored usernames and passwords for FTP accounts. Once found, the virus then loads malicious hidden content onto the pages of the websites so that subsequent visitors to the site help the virus to spread and propagate further.

iFrameHack.com has been created in an effort to help internet webmasters and merchants thwart the attack and stop the spread before it becomes even worse. The services offered by iFrameHack.com include the removal of the offending scripts from all pages within a website, providing assistance to the user to update hosting account login credentials, and because the malware infection is quickly caught by Google spiders and causes the sites to be "blacklisted" with Google, includes assistance in helping the webmaster request review and reinclusion in the Google index.

If you are an internet webmaster or merchant and your site has been compromised, please act now. Failure to do so can have a tremendously damaging impact on your business, as the same visitors and customers that you count on in order to keep your site successful are being infected because of your failure to act in a responsible and timely fashion. Help protect the internet and keep it safe for everyone.

iFrameHack.com Website Virus and Malware Detection and Removal
Doug Blackburn