Paul Revere Toastmasters Club Elect Officers

Paul Revere Toastmasters Club has elected officers for fiscal year 2009 President - Catherine Foster; Sergeant at Arms - Roger Trahan; Vice President Membership – Joellyn Schwerdlin; Vice President Education – Marie Oslebo; Vice President Public Relations – Mary Ellen Lepore; Treasurer – Deb Larsen.

Worcester, MA, July 05, 2009 --( Paul Revere Toastmasters Club, which meets at UNUM, 18 Chestnut St., Worcester on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 12 noon – 1 pm , is there to help you conquer your public speaking concerns. This group has joined forces with 12,000 other clubs, as part of Toastmasters International – a nonprofit organization serving more than 250,000 members in 106 countries. Since its founding in 1924, Toastmasters International has helped more than four million men and women develop their public speaking skills and become confident communicators at work, at home, and yes, even at parties.

For more information about Paul Revere Toastmasters Club, please visit, or call Mary Ellen at 508-557-3793.

Paul Revere Toastmasters Club
Mary Ellen Lepore