New TreeView and ListView VCL Control for Delphi and C++Builder by DevExpress

Glendale, CA, July 08, 2009 --( Fast TreeView Operations with Significant Improvements to Tree-List Usability. is proud to announce the immediate availability of the ExpressQuantum TreeList v5 – The hybrid TreeView and ListView Control and Data Editors Library for the VCL. With this release, DevExpress has extended the market-leading capabilities of our VCL Tree-List control with the following new features:

- Data Caching for Better Performance
- Nested Bands
- Customizable Location of Expand Buttons
- Quick Visibility Customization for Bands and Columns
- Customizable Layout Persistence
- User-Customizable Node and Band Height
- Tree Group Summaries
- Multiple Summaries per Column
- One-level or Recursive Summaries
- Built-in and Custom Context Menus
- Radio and Check Groups

To learn more about the ExpressQuantum TreeList, visit them online at:

In addition to this major update, they've introduced Contextual Tab support to their Ribbon control and further extended their application skinning engine. For more information on these changes visit them online at:

For more information, contact Kevin White by email at or by phone at (818) 844-3383.

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Developer Express, Inc.
Kevin White