Delta Force Paintball Purchase 007 Casino Royale Scud Missile for Their Paintballers

Delta Force Paintball recently purchased a scud missile from the latest set of 007 Casino Royale for their paintballer's. Find out why and the reaction so far.

Guildford, United Kingdom, July 09, 2009 --( Last month Delta Force Paintball purchased an item that most full grown men would be secretly jealous of. They managed to get their paint-stained hands on a genuine scud missile that was used in the last 007 Casino Royale movie.
The purchase was a move to highlight the completion and opening of two new major paintballing scenarios at their site in Hemel Hempstead, which included a new castle and a large galleon for paintballers to battle it out on.

Prajeet Kundhi, a paintball enthusiast and Delta Force regular, said “ I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Delta Force were getting missiles and trucks from the recent 007 James Bond movie, if I was allowed to drink at their site, I would have worn a tuxedo and bought down a Martini in commemoration”.

It looks like there are a lot of 007/paintballing fans out there with Jack Crane, a marshal at the Hemel Hempstead site, saying “In the summer since we have installed these new scenarios and these 007 props, we have seen a dramatic increase in player numbers at the centre.”

So if you want to get involved in paintball, or if you just fancy feeling like 007 for the day, dust off your Tuxedo and visit the Delta Force Paintball website.

Delta Force Paintball
Oliver Gillies