UFC 100 Preview: Brock Lesnar is a Stone Cold Killer

Few people know Brock Lesnar better than his former WWE on-air agent Paul Heyman. In this exclusive blog, Heyman reveals some frightening information about the man he labeled "The Next Big Thing"

New York, NY, July 11, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Paul Heyman has posted a blog about UFC 100 main eventer Brock Lesnar, with whom Heyman worked in World Wrestling Entertainment. In the blog (http://heymanhustle.craveonline.com/blogs/21006-brock-lesnar-craves-ultimate-vengeance). Heyman states:

"Brock Lesnar broke my neck.

"I'm not kidding. In January, 2003, WWE Smackdown ran an event at the world famous Cow Palace in San Francisco, California. The main event was Brock Lesnar against The Big Show, with Brock's former "agent" (that would be me) in the Big Show's corner. Brock's coup de grace was to pick up his opponent, place said human being squarely on Brock's shoulders, and then spin them in mid-air as both performers went crashing to the canvas. Now while pro wrestling is based on the cooperation between the two men in the ring with each other, performing this move on the 500 pound 'Big Show' was no small task.

"However, for Brock Lesnar, just performing that awe-inspiring move wasn't enough. Brock started figuring ways to toss the 7 foot tall Big Show across the ring. You know, like a dwarf tossing contest. Except Brock was flinging a 7 foot tall, legit-500 pound giant. Just to amuse himself, Brock started flinging The Big Show not just for distance, but for accuracy.

"The routine we did in every city was for Brock to defeat the Big Show with this move, which was called the F-5. Brock would then get his revenge on his dastardly agent (you see where this is going ,don't you?), and the evil agent 'Heyman' would suffer the fate of the F-5 as well.

"Brock used to hook me under the armpits, get this sinister grin on his face, throw me up into the air, and then catch me on his shoulders. Keep in mind, I'm no featherweight (again, I remind you, please reserve your comments). After milking the crowd's desire to see Heyman take the F-5, Brock would spin me around and we'd go crashing to the mat.

"On this particular night, however, something went wrong. Either Brock's hand slipped an inch upward, or I was holding onto his shoulder too tightly, or just the manner in which we went towards the canvas was off by an inch, but instead of landing flat, I went head over heels down like a ferris wheel, and smashed into the canvas like a javelin. There was no doubt about it, I was hurt.

"Brock, Big Show, and I were all making very good money at the time, and I didn't want to take any time off. so I kept the severity of the situation hidden from WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. When it finally came time to get an MRI, we discovered I had bulging discs in my neck and a herniated C-7.

"Here's the funny part. I still love Brock Lesnar. He's the 800 pound gorilla who likes to play with you as he eats a banana. You just can't be surprised when his inhuman strength is way too much for a mere normal human being (like you or me) to keep up with, or even to play with safely.

"Brock Lesnar, even when he's in a scripted situation with a person he considers his friend, is a very dangerous man.

"This weekend, Frank Mir is in an unscripted situation with a person who considers him the enemy, and that person is a merciless 265 pound champion athlete who lives for the thrill of the kill."

The controversial Aubrey O'Day "Hustle" video, plus exclusive pics of Aubrey last night in her Vegas penthouse; a story on Mr. and Mrs. Rob Van Dam; and the blog on UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar ... all can be found at: www.heymanhustle.com

Contact: heymanhustle@craveonline.com

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