New Release of MotionApps Voicemail Player for Smartphone - mVoiceMail 5
mVoiceMail makes it easy to check your personal and corporate voice mail on the go mVoiceMail is available for Windows Mobile and Palm OS.
San Francisco, CA, August 26, 2006 --( mVoiceMail is the only application for Treo Smartphones and now Motorola Q that provides full support for listening to voice mails sent as e-mail attachments by voice mail system at your office or VoIP provider of your home telephone line (Vonage, for example). mVoiceMail will play the attached sound files directly from the inbox of your mobile e-mail application.
Feature highlights:
* New! Completely new UI with VCR controls
* New! Improved voicemail playback feature, new!
* Supports a wide range of voicemail formats
* Integrates with most popular e-mail applications
* Designed for Treo 650, 700p, 700w and Motorola Q
Visit their web site and find out more about mVoiceMail 5 from MotionApps.
About MotionApps
MotionApps is the software development company dedicated to providing innovative and quality applications that extend the usefulness of smartphones and mobile computing devices such as the Treo from Palm, Motorola Q from Motorola and other PDAs, mobile devices and handsets. Today MotionApps sells its products at the web site and through enterprise channel partners, as well as major online channels selling smartphone applications.
77 Dow Place, Suite 103
San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
Feature highlights:
* New! Completely new UI with VCR controls
* New! Improved voicemail playback feature, new!
* Supports a wide range of voicemail formats
* Integrates with most popular e-mail applications
* Designed for Treo 650, 700p, 700w and Motorola Q
Visit their web site and find out more about mVoiceMail 5 from MotionApps.
About MotionApps
MotionApps is the software development company dedicated to providing innovative and quality applications that extend the usefulness of smartphones and mobile computing devices such as the Treo from Palm, Motorola Q from Motorola and other PDAs, mobile devices and handsets. Today MotionApps sells its products at the web site and through enterprise channel partners, as well as major online channels selling smartphone applications.
77 Dow Place, Suite 103
San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
Boris Zolotarev
Boris Zolotarev
