FireFold Receives Its First Batch of HDMI 1.4 Cables for Testing

Concord, NC, July 16, 2009 --( With technology constantly changing, FireFold is seizing the opportunity to provide customers with the newest form of HDMI 1.4. FireFold received pre-production samples for testing, but no exact release date is available at this time. Currently, no consumer device requires this specification, so it will be some time before a final release date will be announced.

The 1.4 HDMI cable will enhance consumers’ viewing and listening experience even more than the current HDMI cable rated 1.3b. FireFold General Manager Robbie Hodge says “I am excited to see HDMI take another step into making home theatre technology even better. These newest changes really open up some great features such as higher resolutions and 3D. Now I just need to get my hands on some HDMI 1.4 devices!” Consumers can watch to see when this product will be available to the public. For more information on the new 1.4 HDMI Cable, readers can also check out

FireFold, established in 2003, specializes in the sale of networking components and home theatre products. FireFold offers home theatre as well as computer service departments for install and support needs FireFold was first established as an E-Commerce store and has rapidly become a thriving home theater and computer support business. FireFold’s live customer support and personal attention to customers has made it one of the top privately owned companies in the nation. FireFold is located in Concord, NC. For more information pertaining to FireFold please visit their website

Jennie Burns
704-979-7107 (direct line)
704-979-7150 (fax line)

Jennie Burns