Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of Die Smiling, the Latest Highly-anticipated Work from Rochester, WA Author Sharolyn Gran Dobler

Life is too short to worry about the small things in life. You can hear the smile in one’s voice and I’m sure you can hear it in my words. Life is sweeter if you have joy and laughter. You can bet someday, I will indeed die smiling.

Sioux City, IA, May 05, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Outskirts Press presents a book by Sharolyn Gran Dobler, Die Smiling.

Laughter is the best medicine. It is medication for the heart and soul, one you can have without a prescription. Caution please, this medicine is very addicting.

She shares an excerpt from her book, "My legs shook uncontrollably as at any moment I would be over the edge of the stagecoach lying on the dusty trail. I suddenly felt swirling air above my head. The air was like a large fan spinning my hair around and around. Like a bolt of lightning, I come to my senses and there I am standing in the middle of the bed..."

Stretched between Nebraska and the Evergreen State of Washington, author Shari puts her words to flow like the wide Missouri River. She writes about her U.S. Patent and the visions she had of making her fame and fortune from it. Her whimsical adventures living in the Midwest and the journey she took to the Pacific Northwest.

In her book “Die Smiling”, her light side of humor will chase away doom and gloom as her life stories and antics unfold chapter by chapter. Shari uses her human conditions for a whirlwind of stories and events from her life. Her humor and writing are reminiscent of the late Erma Bombeck.

Author Contact:
Sharolyn Dobler
17722 Applegate St SW
Rochester,WA 98579
website www.outskirtspress.com/srdobler

Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1598007092
Retail Price(s): $7.95
Size and Format(s):
Page Count:
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com/srdobler

Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704