Author R.T. Braun's New Novel, the Vatican Job, Released by R.T. Braun, LLC

R.T. Braun launches new book through Trafford Publishing titled, "The Vatican Job," ISBN: 978-1-4251-8018-8. The Vatican Job asks the question, What secrets has the Vatican been keeping from the faithful for over 2,000 years deep inside of their sacred vaults? Braun answers these questions and more in his new international crime romance thriller.

Sedona, AZ, July 25, 2009 --( The Roman Catholic Church has been rocked by a local financial scandal in Rome, pedophile priest revelations in America, gays and women wanting to become priests, and books which have put into question the very teachings of the Vatican itself.

Author R.T. Braun has written a romance crime fiction novel which has just been released by Trafford Publishing titled, “The Vatican Job.” Braun’s action packed novel incorporates all of the Church’s triumphs and failures where the Vatican’s Secrets from over 2,000 years lay in a hidden vault deep beneath Vatican City. What happens when an insurance investigator, mafia errand man, and a blackmailed priest uncover secrets the Church never wants the public to see in the heist of the Century?

Can the Vatican weather yet another storm of controversy on the questions R.T. Braun's book asks?

R.T. Braun, LLC
R.T. Braun