The World’s Largest Medical Tourism Conference Announces the Pre-Conference Workshops

West Palm Beach, FL, July 31, 2009 --( The World’s Largest Medical Tourism Conference Announces the pre-conference workshops. There is a special scheduled networking cocktail reception the night of the workshops with up to 400 US healthcare executives, from health insurance carriers, employers, health insurance Only attendees registered for the workshops are invited to this special networking event.

The Marketing to International Insurance Companies, Employers, and Patients will help hospitals, clinics, governments and medical tourism facilitators and consultants how to market their services to international insurance companies, employers and patients. What are international insurance companies, employers and patients looking for and how do you meet those needs.

This is the one event per year where Employers, Self Funded Health Plans, Insurance Companies, and Medical Tourism Facilitators that are looking to outsource healthcare overseas have the opportunity to meet with top International Hospitals and Medical Tourism Companies in one place for the ultimate networking event.

“The best Medical Tourism Conference of the year.” This is a comment they have heard over and over from delegates who participated in the first World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress which took place in San Francisco California September 2008. The 2009 World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress promises to match that sentiment and, at the same time, provide even more networking and advanced panel sessions for this international gathering.

The conference will feature up to 2,000 attendees, up to 200 speakers, and over 125 exhibitors. Don’t miss out on the 2nd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress will take place on October 26-28th, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles California USA.

For more information please go to the Medical Tourism Congress website.

Medical Tourism Association
Gabriella Vicuña