EV-Charge America Today Announced the Release of Gen2 the Next Generation of Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Gen2® Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Stations have significantly more advantages over the older versions of charging stations that have had limited success in the marketplace.

Las Vegas, NV, July 31, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The brand-new Gen2 electric vehicle charging stations have all the features and advantages of their globally networked cousins, but the improvements, all-new features and dramatically lower price of these Gen2 units put them technically and functionally light years ahead.

Significant new improvements include the electric vehicle charging stations coming in a much smaller, compact footprint that unlike the older versions are completely unobtrusive, much safer and much more convenient to use.

The added safety features come from the fact, among other things, that the units are elevated such that the high-powered, fast-charging cable never touches the ground, standing water, snow or ice, and as importantly, cannot be run over by vehicle wheels.

Because of these new units high-tech, solid state design, unlike the older versions, there are no moving mechanical parts to break, jam or wear out. Gen2 units are housed in NEMA enclosures, ideal for Oceanside locations and other in climate atmospheric conditions.

Technically, the new electric vehicle charging stations are dramatically improved over other older units that have had a luke-warm reception in the marketplace. At the heart of the new capabilities is an intelligent system of vehicle detection and adjustment to any EV configuration that can provide vehicle analytics, feed back and status/performance measurements. These new charging stations supply both level 1 (110v) and level 2 (240v) fast charging capabilities, up to as much as 80amps of power.

J1772 compliance and UL rating requirements are met along with the very desirable and cost-effective ability to charge up to 4 electric vehicles from one charging station in parking lot configurations.

Best of, all the new Gen2 electric vehicle charging stations with all their new features, capabilities and safety are priced at less than half the cost of the previous bulky, unstable and oddly shaped 1st generation units being supplied elsewhere.

Due to the Gen2’s small size and easy mounting requirements, it is friendlier to the environment, less expensive to install and an all-around great value for hosting locations.

A simple, yet profound business model combines the ease of use through RFID authentication with a powerful sharing model that promotes environmentalism with a sustaining economic proposition.

Drivers can locate Gen2 electric vehicle charging stations for free with any computer using Google Maps, or any GPS enabled device such as iPhones, BlackBerrys, Garmin, onStar, or a cell phone.

EV-Charge America is integrating the Gen2 system along with new electric vehicles and solar carports that provide 100% renewable energy to the electric vehicle charging stations.

For more information contact EV-Charge America at info@ev-chargeamerica.com or call http://www.ev-chargeamerica.com at (702) 696-1600.

EV-Charge America
Bob Rosinski
(888) 469-5326