Santeria Novelist: Author Publishes First Book on Stories and Other Essay’s on Lucumi Santeria

Author Publishes First Book on Stories/Pataki's and other Essay’s on Lucumi Santeria.

New York, NY, July 31, 2009 --( Puerto Rican author and Santeria Priest Ota Omi has astounded the literary world by writing his first book on Pataki of Orisha and other Essay’s for Lucumi Santeria Volume I. and publishing it on, the online marketplace for digital content.

Santeria Priest Ota Omi , seized the opportunity after years of writing on the internet cyberspace and websites geared to The Religion “Santeria” and
using his idle time by, writing his Santeria Stories in a 160-page novel “Pataki of Orisa and Other Essay‘s for Lucumi Santeria Volume I. ”

Luz Sanjurjo comments: “As a historian and advocate of the Lucumi tradition , Ota Omi‘s writings have been a invaluable source of information on cyberspace and now finally he presents his collection of Essay‘s in a book”- Luz Sanjurjo “Chango Bi” Olorisha -Oni Chango Artist/ Filmmaker www.

Yasna A. Soto also commented : " I truly look up to Ota Omi, his love for this religion is very clear. His willingness to share the knowledge that he has with this community clearly shows how much he wants this tradition to live on, for that I respect and admire him . - Yasna A. Soto , www.

By collecting his stories about the Yoruba Religion into a manuscript form. And bringing to life the stories of the Personalities of the Lucumi Religion Ota Omi has brought together a collection of Pataki and Essay’s written for today’s Santeria Followers.

Ota Omi says: “In past years and recently our religion has been under fire by Unfavorable Press Releases in the News and Newspapers. Not understanding the history nor the Stories behind our religion, Plus many of the followers of the Religion Lucumi Santeria can not find many books with information in English format .

The book is titled “Pataki of Orisa and other Essay‘s for Lucumi Santeria, Volume I,” it is actually it a group of stories and essay’s written to explain some of the history and Odus found in Santeria Religion. The book contains 42 Pataki and 8 Essay’s.

For more information about this book and future books written by Ota Omi one can surf the web at

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Ota Omi, is a Babalocha ( father of the orisha) of the Lucumi Santeria Religion. Active for many years on the internet as moderator of websites and his own essay's and Pataki ( stories of the orisha based on Odu) and adding his knowledge to the Santeria community. Currently Ota Omi, lives outside the Greater Atlanta area in the state of Georgia, where he studies and writes his books and Initiates people into the Mysteries of the Religion of Santeria.
Ota Omi
Tomas Antonio