Cassbeths' Free General Document Analysis (GDA) Tool Analyzes H.R. 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009
Cherry Hill, NJ, August 04, 2009 --( H.R. 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 was submitted to Cassbeths' free General Document Analysis (GDA) tool. The tool has many templates to analyze documents. The policy template was used to analyze the legislation. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Introduced in House) analysis findings are fascinating. The services selected were Broad Approaches, Institutions, Societal Approaches, Organizational Tools, Nation State Tools, Social Warnings, National Roles, Special Interests, Emotions, and Overall Reaction. There is another template associated with legislation that was not used in the analysis. The analysis was completed in less than 30 minutes. The hits per item or raw results are as follows (note the items with zero hits):
Broad Approaches Hits
077 Alternatives
063 Education
000 Engineering
127 Government
000 International
071 Markets
101 People
021 Science
137 Systems
042 Technology
Institutions Hits
005 Academia
012 Associations
497 Government
033 Industry
103 Labs
000 NGO
000 Non Profits
016 Popular Media
000 Technical Media
000 Think Tanks
Societal Approaches Hits
146 Peaceful
000 Sacrifice
001 Stressed
000 Violent
Organizational Tools Hits
081 Gestalts
205 Implementation
057 Management
003 Process
052 Technical
Nation State Tools Hits
070 Departments
000 Deregulate
008 Legislation
000 Military
095 Policy
000 Proactive
095 Regulation
100 Resources
000 Tax
000 Transparency
Social Warnings Hits
004 Anger
006 Earth
000 Economic
000 Environment
004 General
037 Health
000 Human
National Roles Hits
015 Agriculture
002 Defense
132 Education
1290 Health
047 Labor
092 Money
013 People
001 Religion
251 State
063 Wealth
Special Interests Hits
000 Chemicals
000 Communications
002 Defense
118 Education
642 Elderly
011 Energy
000 Entertainment
000 Environment
680 Financial
003 Food
080 Groups
1346 Health
023 Intelligence
000 Manufacturing
001 Mining
016 Non Profit
000 Pharmaceuticals
008 Property
098 Science
027 Technology
000 Transportation
000 Utilities
067 Workers
000 Young Adults
Emotions Hits
002 Fear
000 Happy
007 Hate
390 Love
000 Sad
Overall Reaction Hits
007 Negative
000 Positive
The tool is available as a free download to encourage interest in a new book on Sustainable Development, which also addresses health care. Some quotes from the book are:
"Hughes was a non profit organization. Howard Hughes established a medical foundation in 1953 and donated Hughes Aircraft to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. They were given a very broad charter, which included the study of the -- genesis of life itself -- in Hughes' words."
"Many people questioned why Hughes Aircraft never entered the medical field. It certainly had the technology."
"… it is a shame because we may have actually had a simpler medical challenge in the USA today if the Hughes Executives applied the massive company resources in this area. There is no question that the medical field missed many technological advances from large system engineering …"
The book also includes "Science The Endless Frontier, A Report to the President" by Vannevar Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, July 1945 as requested by President Roosevelt. It makes many references to the nations health and suggestions for the future including the establishment of the National Science Foundation.
The document analysis tools cover a wide range of domains from engineering to education. They can be found at
About Howard Hughes Medical Institute:
HHMI, a non-profit medical research organization that ranks as one of the nation's largest philanthropies, plays a powerful role in advancing biomedical research and science education in the U.S. In the past two decades HHMI has made investments of more than $8.3 billion for the support, training, and education of the nation's most creative and promising scientists.
About the National Science Foundation:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…" With an annual budget of about $6.06 billion, we are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities.
About The Author:
Walt has held various government, defense, and commercial high technology positions in the past 30 years. He has published and presented at several technical conferences. Starting from New Jersey, going to California, then Florida, and returning back to New Jersey Walt has a very broad and deep understanding of the state of engineering and technology in the United States. He has taken this experience and digested it into his new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" in hopes of providing an effective road map for people engaged in building everything in the next 100 years.
About CassBeth:
Cassbeth is a technology company offering software and system engineering products originating from its Internet E-Commerce experiments that started in 1997 and over 30 years experience in Aerospace and Education. It is also the publisher of "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering".
Software and Book Information:
Book Available At:
ISBN: 978-0-6152-1630-0 (paperback) (kindle)
Published by CassBeth
Broad Approaches Hits
077 Alternatives
063 Education
000 Engineering
127 Government
000 International
071 Markets
101 People
021 Science
137 Systems
042 Technology
Institutions Hits
005 Academia
012 Associations
497 Government
033 Industry
103 Labs
000 NGO
000 Non Profits
016 Popular Media
000 Technical Media
000 Think Tanks
Societal Approaches Hits
146 Peaceful
000 Sacrifice
001 Stressed
000 Violent
Organizational Tools Hits
081 Gestalts
205 Implementation
057 Management
003 Process
052 Technical
Nation State Tools Hits
070 Departments
000 Deregulate
008 Legislation
000 Military
095 Policy
000 Proactive
095 Regulation
100 Resources
000 Tax
000 Transparency
Social Warnings Hits
004 Anger
006 Earth
000 Economic
000 Environment
004 General
037 Health
000 Human
National Roles Hits
015 Agriculture
002 Defense
132 Education
1290 Health
047 Labor
092 Money
013 People
001 Religion
251 State
063 Wealth
Special Interests Hits
000 Chemicals
000 Communications
002 Defense
118 Education
642 Elderly
011 Energy
000 Entertainment
000 Environment
680 Financial
003 Food
080 Groups
1346 Health
023 Intelligence
000 Manufacturing
001 Mining
016 Non Profit
000 Pharmaceuticals
008 Property
098 Science
027 Technology
000 Transportation
000 Utilities
067 Workers
000 Young Adults
Emotions Hits
002 Fear
000 Happy
007 Hate
390 Love
000 Sad
Overall Reaction Hits
007 Negative
000 Positive
The tool is available as a free download to encourage interest in a new book on Sustainable Development, which also addresses health care. Some quotes from the book are:
"Hughes was a non profit organization. Howard Hughes established a medical foundation in 1953 and donated Hughes Aircraft to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. They were given a very broad charter, which included the study of the -- genesis of life itself -- in Hughes' words."
"Many people questioned why Hughes Aircraft never entered the medical field. It certainly had the technology."
"… it is a shame because we may have actually had a simpler medical challenge in the USA today if the Hughes Executives applied the massive company resources in this area. There is no question that the medical field missed many technological advances from large system engineering …"
The book also includes "Science The Endless Frontier, A Report to the President" by Vannevar Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, July 1945 as requested by President Roosevelt. It makes many references to the nations health and suggestions for the future including the establishment of the National Science Foundation.
The document analysis tools cover a wide range of domains from engineering to education. They can be found at
About Howard Hughes Medical Institute:
HHMI, a non-profit medical research organization that ranks as one of the nation's largest philanthropies, plays a powerful role in advancing biomedical research and science education in the U.S. In the past two decades HHMI has made investments of more than $8.3 billion for the support, training, and education of the nation's most creative and promising scientists.
About the National Science Foundation:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…" With an annual budget of about $6.06 billion, we are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities.
About The Author:
Walt has held various government, defense, and commercial high technology positions in the past 30 years. He has published and presented at several technical conferences. Starting from New Jersey, going to California, then Florida, and returning back to New Jersey Walt has a very broad and deep understanding of the state of engineering and technology in the United States. He has taken this experience and digested it into his new book "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering" in hopes of providing an effective road map for people engaged in building everything in the next 100 years.
About CassBeth:
Cassbeth is a technology company offering software and system engineering products originating from its Internet E-Commerce experiments that started in 1997 and over 30 years experience in Aerospace and Education. It is also the publisher of "Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering".
Software and Book Information:
Book Available At:
ISBN: 978-0-6152-1630-0 (paperback) (kindle)
Published by CassBeth
Claudia Joy
Claudia Joy
