American History Revisited, Thanks to the Digital Age

Slow Travels Historic Driving Guides: Enjoying again the wealth of American History along America’s Highways.

Jacksonville, FL, August 05, 2009 --( American author Lyn Wilkerson is bringing the attention of highway travelers back to the abundant historical sites, landmarks, stories and legends which lie alongside our country’s highways. The fourth volume of his new Slow Travels series, “Slow Travels-California”, has been published on, the online marketplace for digital content, and on for the Amazon Kindle.

Mr. Wilkerson discovered the skilled writing and celebrated wealth of information compiled in the American Guide Series, created by the Federal Writers Projects of the 1930’s, and began to develop new guides in the 1990’s. Based on the model used in the original guides, the Slow Travels Series provides ordered mileage increments for exploring selected highways, up-to-date directions and highway identification, and additional historical information which is now available in the digital age. Through personal experience, mapping software, and satellite imaging, Mr. Wilkerson is able to retrace the original American Guide texts and make them functional for the driver today.

Mr. Wilkerson states, “When I started researching the information available from the American Guide Series, most of the research vehicles available was text-based, either in book form or in printed maps. Today, I can access mapping software to retrace and adjust mileage increments after the development of new highways. I can use satellite images to identify structures and verify their locations. And many historical databases are now available online, including those from large institutions to local historical organizations.”

The Slow Travels Series has begun with guides for Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, and now California. They provide easy-to-follow mileage directions, full page reference maps, note pages for including personal experiences, and directories for local and national historical preservation organizations within the given State. For the purpose of supporting historical preservation projects, proceeds from the sale of these guides are placed in the American Trails Preservation Trust set up by Mr. Wilkerson.

Mr. Wilkerson says, “It is not my intent to romanticize the landmarks and events of American history. That history will speak for itself, and should be interpreted individually by travelers themselves. My intent is to bring to the attention of the traveling public the rich and diverse history and heritage which is alongside the highways of this country. Our American heritage is often overlooked in the need to travel from point A to point B in the least amount of time. The Slow Travels Series is intended to encourage travelers to take the road less traveled, and explore the history which lies waiting between A and B.” Through the Slow Travels Series, American history is explored from before our country’s beginnings, including the legends of Native Americans and stories of the early European explorers, to the recent past of the last century.

Lyn Wilkerson is 41 years old and is the owner of Caddo Publications USA, a startup travel publishing company. He lives in Jacksonville, FL. His guides can be found at and his company’s website is is the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada, the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.

Caddo Publications USA
Lyn Wilkerson